]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/cephadm/services/iscsi.py
import quincy beta 17.1.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / cephadm / services / iscsi.py
1 import errno
2 import json
3 import logging
4 import subprocess
5 from typing import List, cast, Optional
6 from ipaddress import ip_address, IPv6Address
8 from mgr_module import HandleCommandResult
9 from ceph.deployment.service_spec import IscsiServiceSpec
11 from orchestrator import DaemonDescription, DaemonDescriptionStatus
12 from .cephadmservice import CephadmDaemonDeploySpec, CephService
13 from .. import utils
15 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
18 class IscsiService(CephService):
19 TYPE = 'iscsi'
21 def config(self, spec: IscsiServiceSpec) -> None: # type: ignore
22 assert self.TYPE == spec.service_type
23 assert spec.pool
24 self.mgr._check_pool_exists(spec.pool, spec.service_name())
26 def prepare_create(self, daemon_spec: CephadmDaemonDeploySpec) -> CephadmDaemonDeploySpec:
27 assert self.TYPE == daemon_spec.daemon_type
29 spec = cast(IscsiServiceSpec, self.mgr.spec_store[daemon_spec.service_name].spec)
30 igw_id = daemon_spec.daemon_id
32 keyring = self.get_keyring_with_caps(self.get_auth_entity(igw_id),
33 ['mon', 'profile rbd, '
34 'allow command "osd blocklist", '
35 'allow command "config-key get" with "key" prefix "iscsi/"',
36 'mgr', 'allow command "service status"',
37 'osd', 'allow rwx'])
39 if spec.ssl_cert:
40 if isinstance(spec.ssl_cert, list):
41 cert_data = '\n'.join(spec.ssl_cert)
42 else:
43 cert_data = spec.ssl_cert
44 ret, out, err = self.mgr.check_mon_command({
45 'prefix': 'config-key set',
46 'key': f'iscsi/{utils.name_to_config_section("iscsi")}.{igw_id}/iscsi-gateway.crt',
47 'val': cert_data,
48 })
50 if spec.ssl_key:
51 if isinstance(spec.ssl_key, list):
52 key_data = '\n'.join(spec.ssl_key)
53 else:
54 key_data = spec.ssl_key
55 ret, out, err = self.mgr.check_mon_command({
56 'prefix': 'config-key set',
57 'key': f'iscsi/{utils.name_to_config_section("iscsi")}.{igw_id}/iscsi-gateway.key',
58 'val': key_data,
59 })
61 # add active mgr ip address to trusted list so dashboard can access
62 trusted_ip_list = spec.trusted_ip_list if spec.trusted_ip_list else ''
63 if trusted_ip_list:
64 trusted_ip_list += ','
65 trusted_ip_list += self.mgr.get_mgr_ip()
67 context = {
68 'client_name': '{}.{}'.format(utils.name_to_config_section('iscsi'), igw_id),
69 'trusted_ip_list': trusted_ip_list,
70 'spec': spec
71 }
72 igw_conf = self.mgr.template.render('services/iscsi/iscsi-gateway.cfg.j2', context)
74 daemon_spec.keyring = keyring
75 daemon_spec.extra_files = {'iscsi-gateway.cfg': igw_conf}
76 daemon_spec.final_config, daemon_spec.deps = self.generate_config(daemon_spec)
77 daemon_spec.deps = [self.mgr.get_mgr_ip()]
78 return daemon_spec
80 def config_dashboard(self, daemon_descrs: List[DaemonDescription]) -> None:
81 def get_set_cmd_dicts(out: str) -> List[dict]:
82 gateways = json.loads(out)['gateways']
83 cmd_dicts = []
84 # TODO: fail, if we don't have a spec
85 spec = cast(IscsiServiceSpec,
86 self.mgr.spec_store.all_specs.get(daemon_descrs[0].service_name(), None))
87 if spec.api_secure and spec.ssl_cert and spec.ssl_key:
88 cmd_dicts.append({
89 'prefix': 'dashboard set-iscsi-api-ssl-verification',
90 'value': "false"
91 })
92 else:
93 cmd_dicts.append({
94 'prefix': 'dashboard set-iscsi-api-ssl-verification',
95 'value': "true"
96 })
97 for dd in daemon_descrs:
98 assert dd.hostname is not None
99 # todo: this can fail:
100 spec = cast(IscsiServiceSpec,
101 self.mgr.spec_store.all_specs.get(dd.service_name(), None))
102 if not spec:
103 logger.warning('No ServiceSpec found for %s', dd)
104 continue
105 ip = utils.resolve_ip(self.mgr.inventory.get_addr(dd.hostname))
106 # IPv6 URL encoding requires square brackets enclosing the ip
107 if type(ip_address(ip)) is IPv6Address:
108 ip = f'[{ip}]'
109 protocol = "http"
110 if spec.api_secure and spec.ssl_cert and spec.ssl_key:
111 protocol = "https"
112 service_url = '{}://{}:{}@{}:{}'.format(
113 protocol, spec.api_user or 'admin', spec.api_password or 'admin', ip, spec.api_port or '5000')
114 gw = gateways.get(dd.hostname)
115 if not gw or gw['service_url'] != service_url:
116 safe_service_url = '{}://{}:{}@{}:{}'.format(
117 protocol, '<api-user>', '<api-password>', ip, spec.api_port or '5000')
118 logger.info('Adding iSCSI gateway %s to Dashboard', safe_service_url)
119 cmd_dicts.append({
120 'prefix': 'dashboard iscsi-gateway-add',
121 'inbuf': service_url,
122 'name': dd.hostname
123 })
124 return cmd_dicts
126 self._check_and_set_dashboard(
127 service_name='iSCSI',
128 get_cmd='dashboard iscsi-gateway-list',
129 get_set_cmd_dicts=get_set_cmd_dicts
130 )
132 def ok_to_stop(self,
133 daemon_ids: List[str],
134 force: bool = False,
135 known: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> HandleCommandResult:
136 # if only 1 iscsi, alert user (this is not passable with --force)
137 warn, warn_message = self._enough_daemons_to_stop(self.TYPE, daemon_ids, 'Iscsi', 1, True)
138 if warn:
139 return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EBUSY, '', warn_message)
141 # if reached here, there is > 1 nfs daemon. make sure none are down
142 warn_message = (
143 'ALERT: 1 iscsi daemon is already down. Please bring it back up before stopping this one')
144 iscsi_daemons = self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_type(self.TYPE)
145 for i in iscsi_daemons:
146 if i.status != DaemonDescriptionStatus.running:
147 return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EBUSY, '', warn_message)
149 names = [f'{self.TYPE}.{d_id}' for d_id in daemon_ids]
150 warn_message = f'It is presumed safe to stop {names}'
151 return HandleCommandResult(0, warn_message, '')
153 def post_remove(self, daemon: DaemonDescription, is_failed_deploy: bool) -> None:
154 """
155 Called after the daemon is removed.
156 """
157 logger.debug(f'Post remove daemon {self.TYPE}.{daemon.daemon_id}')
159 # remove config for dashboard iscsi gateways
160 ret, out, err = self.mgr.mon_command({
161 'prefix': 'dashboard iscsi-gateway-rm',
162 'name': daemon.hostname,
163 })
164 if not ret:
165 logger.info(f'{daemon.hostname} removed from iscsi gateways dashboard config')
167 # needed to know if we have ssl stuff for iscsi in ceph config
168 iscsi_config_dict = {}
169 ret, iscsi_config, err = self.mgr.mon_command({
170 'prefix': 'config-key dump',
171 'key': 'iscsi',
172 })
173 if iscsi_config:
174 iscsi_config_dict = json.loads(iscsi_config)
176 # remove iscsi cert and key from ceph config
177 for iscsi_key, value in iscsi_config_dict.items():
178 if f'iscsi/client.{daemon.name()}/' in iscsi_key:
179 ret, out, err = self.mgr.mon_command({
180 'prefix': 'config-key rm',
181 'key': iscsi_key,
182 })
183 logger.info(f'{iscsi_key} removed from ceph config')
185 def purge(self, service_name: str) -> None:
186 """Removes configuration
187 """
188 spec = cast(IscsiServiceSpec, self.mgr.spec_store[service_name].spec)
189 try:
190 # remove service configuration from the pool
191 try:
192 subprocess.run(['rados',
193 '-k', str(self.mgr.get_ceph_option('keyring')),
194 '-n', f'mgr.{self.mgr.get_mgr_id()}',
195 '-p', cast(str, spec.pool),
196 'rm',
197 'gateway.conf'],
198 timeout=5)
199 logger.info(f'<gateway.conf> removed from {spec.pool}')
200 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
201 logger.error(f'Error executing <<{ex.cmd}>>: {ex.output}')
202 except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
203 logger.error(f'timeout (5s) trying to remove <gateway.conf> from {spec.pool}')
205 except Exception:
206 logger.exception(f'failed to purge {service_name}')