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[extjs.git] / extjs / build / examples / classic / tree / locking-treegrid.js
2 'Ext.data.*',\r
3 'Ext.grid.*',\r
4 'Ext.tree.*',\r
5 'Ext.tip.*',\r
6 'Ext.ux.CheckColumn'\r
9//we want to setup a model and store instead of using dataUrl\r
10Ext.define('Task', {\r
11 extend: 'Ext.data.TreeModel',\r
12 fields: [\r
13 {name: 'task', type: 'string'},\r
14 {name: 'user', type: 'string'},\r
15 {name: 'duration', type: 'string'},\r
16 {name: 'done', type: 'boolean'}\r
17 ]\r
20Ext.onReady(function() {\r
21 Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.init();\r
23 \r
25 var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', {\r
26 model: 'Task',\r
27 proxy: {\r
28 type: 'ajax',\r
29 //the store will get the content from the .json file\r
30 url: 'treegrid.json'\r
31 },\r
32 folderSort: true\r
33 });\r
35 //Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid is no longer a Ux. You can simply use a tree.TreePanel\r
36 var tree = Ext.create('Ext.tree.Panel', {\r
37 title: 'Core Team Projects',\r
38 width: 500,\r
39 height: 300,\r
40 renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\r
41 collapsible: true,\r
42 useArrows: true,\r
43 rootVisible: false,\r
44 store: store,\r
45 multiSelect: true,\r
46 columns: [{\r
47 xtype: 'treecolumn', //this is so we know which column will show the tree\r
48 text: 'Task',\r
49 width: 200,\r
50 sortable: true,\r
51 dataIndex: 'task',\r
52 locked: true\r
53 }, {\r
54 //we must use the templateheader component so we can use a custom tpl\r
55 xtype: 'templatecolumn',\r
56 text: 'Duration',\r
57 width: 150,\r
58 sortable: true,\r
59 dataIndex: 'duration',\r
60 align: 'center',\r
61 //add in the custom tpl for the rows\r
62 tpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate', '{duration:this.formatHours}', {\r
63 formatHours: function(v) {\r
64 if (v < 1) {\r
65 return Math.round(v * 60) + ' mins';\r
66 } else if (Math.floor(v) !== v) {\r
67 var min = v - Math.floor(v);\r
68 return Math.floor(v) + 'h ' + Math.round(min * 60) + 'm';\r
69 } else {\r
70 return v + ' hour' + (v === 1 ? '' : 's');\r
71 }\r
72 }\r
73 })\r
74 }, {\r
75 text: 'Assigned To',\r
76 width: 150,\r
77 dataIndex: 'user',\r
78 sortable: true\r
79 }, {\r
80 xtype: 'checkcolumn',\r
81 header: 'Done',\r
82 dataIndex: 'done',\r
83 width: 40,\r
84 stopSelection: false\r
85 }, {\r
86 text: 'Edit',\r
87 width: 40,\r
88 menuDisabled: true,\r
89 xtype: 'actioncolumn',\r
90 tooltip: 'Edit task',\r
91 align: 'center',\r
92 icon: '../simple-tasks/resources/images/edit_task.png',\r
93 handler: function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex, actionItem, event, record, row) {\r
94 Ext.Msg.alert('Editing' + (record.get('done') ? ' completed task' : '') , record.get('task'));\r
95 },\r
96 // Only leaf level tasks may be edited\r
97 isDisabled: function(view, rowIdx, colIdx, item, record) {\r
98 return !record.data.leaf;\r
99 }\r
100 }]\r
101 });\r