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[extjs.git] / extjs / build / examples / kitchensink / classic / samples / view / grid / BigData.js
2 * This is an example of using the Ext JS grid to show very large datasets\r
3 * without overloading the DOM. It also uses locking columns, and incorporates the\r
4 * GroupSummary feature. Filtering is enabled on certain columns using the FilterFeature.\r
5 *\r
6 * As an illustration of the ability of grid columns to act as containers, the Title\r
7 * column has a filter text field built in which filters as you type.\r
8 *\r
9 * The grid is editable using the RowEditing plugin.\r
10 *\r
11 * The `multiColumnSort` config is used to allow multiple columns to have sorters.\r
12 *\r
13 * It is also possible to export the grid data to Excel. This feature is available in Ext JS Premium.\r
14 */\r
15Ext.define('KitchenSink.view.grid.BigData', {\r
16 extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',\r
17 requires: [\r
18 'Ext.grid.filters.Filters',\r
19 'Ext.grid.plugin.Exporter'\r
20 ],\r
21 xtype: 'big-data-grid',\r
22 store: 'BigData',\r
23 columnLines: true,\r
24 height: 400,\r
25 width: 910,\r
26 title: 'Editable Big Data Grid',\r
27 multiColumnSort: true,\r
29 // We do not need automatic height synching.\r
30 // The Grouping plugin renders the same DOM into each side to keep heights the same,\r
31 // The normal side is visibility:hidden.\r
32 // And the RowExpander handles this itself when a row is expanded, or when an expanded\r
33 // row is scrolled back into the rendered block.\r
34 syncRowHeight: false,\r
36 //<example>\r
37 exampleTitle: 'Editable Big Data Grid',\r
38 otherContent: [{\r
39 type: 'Controller',\r
40 path: 'classic/samples/view/grid/BigDataController.js'\r
41 },{\r
42 type: 'Store',\r
43 path: 'classic/samples/store/BigData.js'\r
44 },{\r
45 type: 'Model',\r
46 path: 'classic/samples/model/grid/Employee.js'\r
47 }],\r
48 exampleDescription: [\r
49 '<p>This example uses locking columns, and incorporates the GroupSummary feature.</p>' +\r
50 '<p>Filtering is enabled on certain columns using the FilterFeature UX.</p>' +\r
51 '<p>As an illustration of the ability of grid columns to act as containers, the ' +\r
52 'Title column has a filter text field built in which filters as you type.</p>' +\r
53 '<p>The grid is editable using the RowEditing plugin.</p>',\r
54 '<p>The <code>multiColumnSort</code> config is used to allow multiple columns to have sorters.</p>' +\r
55 '<p>The full name column uses a custom sorter which sorts on the surname.</p>'\r
56 ].join(''),\r
57 //</example>\r
58 controller: 'bigdata',\r
60 features: [{\r
61 ftype : 'groupingsummary',\r
62 groupHeaderTpl : '{name}',\r
63 hideGroupedHeader : false,\r
64 enableGroupingMenu : false\r
65 }, {\r
66 ftype: 'summary',\r
67 dock: 'bottom'\r
68 }],\r
70 selModel: {\r
71 type: 'checkboxmodel',\r
72 checkOnly: true\r
73 },\r
74 \r
75 listeners: {\r
76 headermenucreate: 'onHeaderMenuCreate'\r
77 },\r
79 columns:[{\r
80 xtype: 'rownumberer',\r
81 width: 40,\r
82 sortable: false,\r
83 locked: true\r
84 }, {\r
85 text: 'Id',\r
86 sortable: true,\r
87 dataIndex: 'employeeNo',\r
88 groupable: false,\r
89 width: 80,\r
90 locked: true,\r
91 editRenderer: 'bold'\r
92 }, {\r
93 text: 'Name (Filter)',\r
94 sortable: true,\r
95 dataIndex: 'name',\r
96 groupable: false,\r
97 width: 140,\r
98 layout: 'hbox',\r
99 locked: true,\r
100 renderer: 'concatNames',\r
101 editor: {\r
102 xtype: 'textfield'\r
103 },\r
104 // Sort prioritizing surname over forename as would be expected.\r
105 sorter: function(rec1, rec2) {\r
106 var rec1Name = rec1.get('surname') + rec1.get('forename'),\r
107 rec2Name = rec2.get('surname') + rec2.get('forename');\r
109 if (rec1Name > rec2Name) {\r
110 return 1;\r
111 }\r
112 if (rec1Name < rec2Name) {\r
113 return -1;\r
114 }\r
115 return 0;\r
116 },\r
117 items : {\r
118 xtype: 'textfield',\r
119 reference: 'nameFilterField', // So that the Controller can access it easily\r
120 flex : 1,\r
121 margin: 2,\r
122 enableKeyEvents: true,\r
123 listeners: {\r
124 keyup: 'onNameFilterKeyup',\r
125 buffer: 500\r
126 }\r
127 }\r
128 }, {\r
129 text: 'Rating',\r
130 width: 100,\r
131 sortable: true,\r
132 dataIndex: 'rating',\r
133 groupable: false,\r
134 xtype: 'widgetcolumn',\r
135 widget: {\r
136 xtype: 'sparklineline'\r
137 }\r
138 }, {\r
139 text: 'Date of birth',\r
140 dataIndex: 'dob',\r
141 xtype: 'datecolumn',\r
142 groupable: false,\r
143 width: 115,\r
144 filter: {\r
146 },\r
147 editor: {\r
148 xtype: 'datefield'\r
149 }\r
150 }, {\r
151 text: 'Join date',\r
152 dataIndex: 'joinDate',\r
153 xtype: 'datecolumn',\r
154 groupable: false,\r
155 width: 120,\r
156 filter: {\r
158 },\r
159 editor: {\r
160 xtype: 'datefield'\r
161 }\r
162 }, {\r
163 text: 'Notice<br>period',\r
164 dataIndex: 'noticePeriod',\r
165 groupable: false,\r
166 width: 115,\r
167 filter: {\r
168 type: 'list'\r
169 },\r
170 editor: {\r
171 xtype: 'combobox',\r
172 initComponent: function() {\r
173 this.store = this.column.up('tablepanel').store.collect(this.column.dataIndex, false, true);\r
174 Ext.form.field.ComboBox.prototype.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);\r
175 }\r
176 }\r
177 }, {\r
178 text: 'Email address',\r
179 dataIndex: 'email',\r
180 width: 200,\r
181 groupable: false,\r
182 renderer: function(v) {\r
183 return '<a href="mailto:' + v + '">' + v + '</a>';\r
184 },\r
185 editor: {\r
186 xtype: 'textfield'\r
187 },\r
188 filter: {\r
190 }\r
191 }, {\r
192 text: 'Department',\r
193 dataIndex: 'department',\r
194 hidden: true,\r
195 hideable: false,\r
196 filter: {\r
197 type: 'list'\r
198 }\r
199 }, {\r
200 text: 'Absences',\r
201 columns: [{\r
202 text: 'Illness',\r
203 dataIndex: 'sickDays',\r
204 width: 100,\r
205 groupable: false,\r
206 summaryType: 'sum',\r
207 summaryFormatter: 'number("0")',\r
208 filter: {\r
210 },\r
211 editor: {\r
212 xtype: 'numberfield',\r
213 decimalPrecision: 0\r
214 }\r
215 }, {\r
216 text: 'Holidays',\r
217 dataIndex: 'holidayDays',\r
218 // Size column to title text\r
219 width: null,\r
220 groupable: false,\r
221 summaryType: 'sum',\r
222 summaryFormatter: 'number("0")',\r
223 filter: {\r
225 },\r
226 editor: {\r
227 xtype: 'numberfield',\r
228 decimalPrecision: 0\r
229 }\r
230 }, {\r
231 text: 'Holiday Allowance',\r
232 dataIndex: 'holidayAllowance',\r
233 // Size column to title text\r
234 width: null,\r
235 groupable: false,\r
236 filter: {\r
238 },\r
239 editor: {\r
240 xtype: 'numberfield',\r
241 decimalPrecision: 0\r
242 }\r
243 }]\r
244 }, {\r
245 text: 'Salary',\r
246 width: 155,\r
247 sortable: true,\r
248 dataIndex: 'salary',\r
249 align: 'right',\r
250 formatter: 'usMoney',\r
251 groupable: false,\r
252 summaryType: 'average',\r
253 summaryFormatter: 'usMoney',\r
254 filter: {\r
256 },\r
257 editor: {\r
258 xtype: 'numberfield',\r
259 decimalPrecision: 2\r
260 }\r
261 }],\r
263 viewConfig: {\r
264 stripeRows: true\r
265 },\r
266 \r
267 header: {\r
268 itemPosition: 1, // after title before collapse tool\r
269 items: [{\r
270 ui: 'default-toolbar',\r
271 xtype: 'button',\r
272 text: 'Export to Excel',\r
273 handler: 'exportToExcel'\r
274 }]\r
275 },\r
277 plugins: [{\r
278 ptype: 'gridfilters'\r
279 }, {\r
280 ptype: 'rowexpander',\r
282 // dblclick invokes the row editor\r
283 expandOnDblClick: false,\r
284 rowBodyTpl: '<img src="{avatar}" height="100px" style="float:left;margin:0 10px 5px 0"><b>{name}<br></b>{dob:date}'\r
285 },{\r
286 ptype: 'gridexporter'\r
287 }]\r