]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blame - extjs/classic/classic/test/specs/form/field/Time.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / classic / classic / test / specs / form / field / Time.js
1describe("Ext.form.field.Time", function() {\r
2 var component, makeComponent;\r
4 beforeEach(function() {\r
5 makeComponent = function(config) {\r
6 config = config || {};\r
7 Ext.applyIf(config, {\r
8 name: 'test',\r
9 width: 100\r
10 });\r
11 component = new Ext.form.field.Time(config);\r
12 };\r
13 });\r
15 afterEach(function() {\r
16 if (component) {\r
17 component.destroy();\r
18 }\r
19 component = makeComponent = null;\r
20 });\r
22 function clickTrigger() {\r
23 var trigger = component.getTrigger('picker').getEl(),\r
24 xy = trigger.getXY();\r
25 jasmine.fireMouseEvent(trigger.dom, 'click', xy[0], xy[1]);\r
26 }\r
29 it("should be registered with xtype 'timefield'", function() {\r
30 component = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Time", {name: 'test'});\r
31 expect(component instanceof Ext.form.field.Time).toBe(true);\r
32 expect(Ext.getClass(component).xtype).toBe("timefield");\r
33 });\r
35 describe("initialization", function() {\r
37 describe("initializing value as string", function() {\r
38 it("should not mark component as dirty", function() {\r
39 makeComponent({\r
40 value: '11:00 AM'\r
41 });\r
42 expect(component.isDirty()).toBeFalsy();\r
43 });\r
44 });\r
46 });\r
49 describe("defaults", function() {\r
50 beforeEach(function() {\r
51 makeComponent();\r
52 });\r
53 it("should have triggerCls = 'x-form-time-trigger'", function() {\r
54 expect(component.triggerCls).toEqual('x-form-time-trigger');\r
55 });\r
56 it("should have multiSelect = false", function() {\r
57 expect(component.multiSelect).toBe(false);\r
58 });\r
59 it("should have delimiter = ', '", function() {\r
60 expect(component.delimiter).toEqual(', ');\r
61 });\r
62 it("should have minValue = undefined", function() {\r
63 expect(component.minValue).not.toBeDefined();\r
64 });\r
65 it("should have maxValue = undefined", function() {\r
66 expect(component.maxValue).not.toBeDefined();\r
67 });\r
68 it("should have minText = 'The time in this field must be equal to or after {0}'", function() {\r
69 expect(component.minText).toEqual('The time in this field must be equal to or after {0}');\r
70 });\r
71 it("should have maxText = 'The time in this field must be equal to or before {0}'", function() {\r
72 expect(component.maxText).toEqual('The time in this field must be equal to or before {0}');\r
73 });\r
74 it("should have invalidText = '{0} is not a valid time'", function() {\r
75 expect(component.invalidText).toEqual('{0} is not a valid time');\r
76 });\r
77 it("should have format = 'g:i A'", function() {\r
78 expect(component.format).toEqual('g:i A');\r
79 });\r
80 it("should have altFormats = 'g:ia|g:iA|g:i a|g:i A|h:i|g:i|H:i|ga|ha|gA|h a|g a|g A|gi|hi|gia|hia|g|H|gi a|hi a|giA|hiA|gi A|hi A'", function() {\r
81 expect(component.altFormats).toEqual('g:ia|g:iA|g:i a|g:i A|h:i|g:i|H:i|ga|ha|gA|h a|g a|g A|gi|hi|gia|hia|g|H|gi a|hi a|giA|hiA|gi A|hi A');\r
82 });\r
83 it("should have increment = 15", function() {\r
84 expect(component.increment).toEqual(15);\r
85 });\r
86 });\r
89 describe("rendering", function() {\r
90 // Mostly handled by Trigger and Picker tests\r
92 beforeEach(function() {\r
93 makeComponent({\r
94 renderTo: Ext.getBody()\r
95 });\r
96 });\r
98 it("should give the trigger a class of 'x-form-time-trigger'", function() {\r
99 expect(component.getTrigger('picker').el).toHaveCls('x-form-time-trigger');\r
100 });\r
101 });\r
104 describe("trigger", function() {\r
105 beforeEach(function() {\r
106 makeComponent({\r
107 renderTo: Ext.getBody()\r
108 });\r
109 clickTrigger();\r
110 });\r
111 it("should open a Ext.picker.Time", function() {\r
112 expect(component.picker instanceof Ext.picker.Time).toBe(true);\r
113 expect(component.picker.hidden).toBe(false);\r
114 });\r
115 it("should clear the value when text which cannot be matched to a value is entered", function() {\r
116 waits(1);\r
117 runs(function() {\r
118 expect(component.picker.highlightedItem).toBeDefined();\r
119 component.setValue('ASAP');\r
120 expect(component.getValue()).toBeNull();\r
121 expect(component.getRawValue()).toBe('ASAP');\r
122 });\r
123 });\r
124 });\r
126 describe("setting values", function() {\r
127 describe("parsing", function(){\r
128 it("should parse a string value using the format config", function() {\r
129 makeComponent({\r
130 format: 'g:iA',\r
131 value: '8:32PM'\r
132 });\r
133 expect(component.getValue()).toEqualTime(20, 32);\r
134 });\r
136 it("should parse a string value using the altFormats config", function() {\r
137 makeComponent({\r
138 format: 'g:i.A',\r
139 altFormats: 'g.i a',\r
140 value: '8.32 pm'\r
141 });\r
142 expect(component.getValue()).toEqualTime(20, 32);\r
143 });\r
145 it("should parse a string value using the format config and snap to increment", function() {\r
146 makeComponent({\r
147 snapToIncrement: true,\r
148 format: 'g:iA',\r
149 value: '8:32PM'\r
150 });\r
151 expect(component.getValue()).toEqualTime(20, 30);\r
152 });\r
154 it("should parse a string value using the altFormats config and snap to increment", function() {\r
155 makeComponent({\r
156 snapToIncrement: true,\r
157 format: 'g:i.A',\r
158 altFormats: 'g.i a',\r
159 value: '8.32 pm'\r
160 });\r
161 expect(component.getValue()).toEqualTime(20, 30);\r
162 });\r
163 });\r
165 describe("setValue", function(){\r
166 it("should accept a date object", function(){\r
167 makeComponent();\r
168 component.setValue(new Date(2010, 10, 5, 9, 46));\r
169 expect(component.getValue()).toEqualTime(9, 46);\r
170 });\r
172 it("should accept an array of date objects", function(){\r
173 makeComponent({\r
174 multiSelect: true\r
175 });\r
176 component.setValue([new Date(2008, 0, 1, 10, 30), new Date(2008, 0, 1, 23, 15)]);\r
177 expect(component.getValue()[0]).toEqualTime(10, 30);\r
178 expect(component.getValue()[1]).toEqualTime(23, 15);\r
179 });\r
181 it("should accept a string value", function(){\r
182 makeComponent();\r
183 component.setValue('9:46 AM');\r
184 expect(component.getValue()).toEqualTime(9, 46);\r
185 });\r
187 it("should accept an array of string values", function() {\r
188 makeComponent({\r
189 multiSelect: true,\r
190 value: ['10:30AM', '11:15PM']\r
191 });\r
192 expect(component.value[0]).toEqualTime(10, 30);\r
193 expect(component.value[1]).toEqualTime(23, 15);\r
194 });\r
196 it("should accept a date object and snap to increment", function(){\r
197 makeComponent({\r
198 snapToIncrement: true\r
199 });\r
200 component.setValue(new Date(2010, 10, 5, 9, 46));\r
201 expect(component.getValue()).toEqualTime(9, 45);\r
202 });\r
204 it("should accept a string value and snap to increment", function(){\r
205 makeComponent({\r
206 snapToIncrement: true\r
207 });\r
208 component.setValue('9:46 AM');\r
209 expect(component.getValue()).toEqualTime(9, 45);\r
210 });\r
212 it("should accept a null value", function(){\r
213 makeComponent();\r
214 component.setValue(null);\r
215 expect(component.getValue()).toBeNull();\r
216 });\r
218 it("should set null if an invalid time string is passed", function(){\r
219 makeComponent();\r
220 component.setValue('6:::37');\r
221 expect(component.getValue()).toBeNull();\r
222 });\r
223 \r
224 it("should ignore the date part when setting the value", function() {\r
225 makeComponent({\r
226 minValue: '9:00 AM',\r
227 maxValue: '5:00 PM'\r
228 });\r
229 // The date year/month/day will be equal to whenever the spec is run\r
230 // But the time field defaults all dates to 2008/01/01.\r
231 var d = new Date();\r
232 d.setHours(12, 0);\r
233 component.setValue(d);\r
234 expect(component.isValid()).toBe(true);\r
235 });\r
236 it("should update the expanded dropdown's selection - multi select", function() {\r
237 makeComponent({\r
238 renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\r
239 multiSelect: true\r
240 });\r
241 component.expand();\r
242 waits(1);\r
243 runs(function() {\r
244 component.setValue([new Date(2008, 0, 1, 0, 0), new Date(2008, 0, 1, 0, 15)]);\r
245 expect(component.picker.getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0]).toEqual(component.store.getAt(0));\r
246 expect(component.picker.getSelectionModel().getSelection()[1]).toEqual(component.store.getAt(1));\r
247 });\r
248 });\r
250 describe("selecting a value", function() {\r
251 it("should be able to select a value when the current value is not in the store", function() {\r
252 makeComponent({\r
253 increment: 15,\r
254 format: 'H:i',\r
255 increment: 15,\r
256 allowBlank: false,\r
257 value: '15:03',\r
258 renderTo: document.body\r
259 });\r
261 component.expand();\r
262 jasmine.fireMouseEvent(component.getPicker().getNode(component.store.getAt(0)), 'click');\r
263 expect(component.getValue()).toEqualTime(0, 0);\r
264 \r
265 });\r
266 });\r
268 describe("inputEl", function () {\r
269 it("should accept a model", function(){\r
270 makeComponent({\r
271 minValue: '6:00 AM',\r
272 maxValue: '8:00 PM',\r
273 renderTo: document.body\r
274 });\r
275 component.setValue(component.store.getAt(0));\r
276 expect(component.inputEl.getValue()).toBe('6:00 AM');\r
277 });\r
279 it("should parse a string value to lookup a record in the store", function(){\r
280 makeComponent({\r
281 minValue: '6:00 AM',\r
282 maxValue: '8:00 PM',\r
283 renderTo: document.body\r
284 });\r
285 component.setValue('15');\r
286 expect(component.inputEl.getValue()).toBe('3:00 PM');\r
287 });\r
289 it("should display same value given to setValue when no lookups in the store", function(){\r
290 makeComponent({\r
291 minValue: '6:00 AM',\r
292 maxValue: '8:00 PM',\r
293 renderTo: document.body\r
294 });\r
295 component.setValue('21');\r
296 expect(component.inputEl.getValue()).toBe('21');\r
297 });\r
298 });\r
300 describe("change event", function () {\r
301 it("should not fire the change event when the value stays the same - single value", function() {\r
302 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();\r
303 makeComponent({\r
304 renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\r
305 value: '10:00AM',\r
306 listeners: {\r
307 change: spy\r
308 }\r
309 });\r
310 component.setValue('10:00AM');\r
311 expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();\r
312 });\r
314 it("should fire the change event when the value changes - single value", function() {\r
315 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();\r
316 makeComponent({\r
317 value: '10:00AM',\r
318 renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\r
319 listeners: {\r
320 change: spy\r
321 }\r
322 });\r
323 component.setValue('11:15PM');\r
324 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();\r
325 expect(spy.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toBe(component);\r
326 expect(spy.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toEqualTime(23, 15);\r
327 });\r
329 it("should not fire the change event when the value stays the same - multiple values", function() {\r
330 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();\r
331 makeComponent({\r
332 multiSelect: true,\r
333 valueField: 'val',\r
334 value: ['10:00AM', '11:15PM'],\r
335 renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\r
336 listeners: {\r
337 change: spy\r
338 }\r
339 });\r
340 component.setValue(['10:00AM', '11:15PM']);\r
341 expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();\r
342 });\r
344 it("should fire the change event when the value changes - multiple values", function() {\r
345 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();\r
346 makeComponent({\r
347 multiSelect: true,\r
348 valueField: 'val',\r
349 value: ['10:00AM', '11:15PM'],\r
350 renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\r
351 listeners: {\r
352 change: spy\r
353 }\r
354 });\r
355 component.setValue(['3:00PM', '4:30PM']);\r
356 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();\r
357 expect(spy.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toBe(component);\r
358 expect(spy.mostRecentCall.args[2][0]).toEqualTime(10);\r
359 expect(spy.mostRecentCall.args[2][1]).toEqualTime(23, 15);\r
360 expect(spy.mostRecentCall.args[1][0]).toEqualTime(15);\r
361 expect(spy.mostRecentCall.args[1][1]).toEqualTime(16, 30);\r
362 });\r
363 });\r
364 });\r
365 });\r
366 \r
367 describe("submit value", function(){\r
368 it("should use the format as the default", function () {\r
369 makeComponent({\r
370 value:new Date(2010, 0, 15, 15, 30),\r
371 format:'H:i'\r
372 });\r
373 expect(component.getSubmitValue()).toBe('15:30');\r
374 });\r
375 \r
376 it("should give precedence to submitFormat", function(){\r
377 makeComponent({\r
378 value: new Date(2010, 0, 15, 15, 45),\r
379 submitFormat: 'H:i'\r
380 });\r
381 expect(component.getSubmitValue()).toBe('15:45');\r
382 });\r
383 \r
384 it("should still return null if the value isn't a valid date", function(){\r
385 makeComponent({\r
386 value: 'wontparse',\r
387 submitFormat: 'H:i'\r
388 });\r
389 expect(component.getSubmitValue()).toBeNull();\r
390 });\r
391 });\r
393 describe("getModelData", function(){\r
394 it("should use the format as the default", function(){\r
395 makeComponent({\r
396 name: 'myname',\r
397 value: new Date(2010, 0, 15, 15, 45)\r
398 });\r
399 var modelData = component.getModelData();\r
400 expect(modelData.myname).toEqualTime(15, 45);\r
401 });\r
403 it("should return null if the value isn't a valid date", function(){\r
404 makeComponent({\r
405 name: 'myname',\r
406 value: 'wontparse',\r
407 submitFormat: 'H:i'\r
408 });\r
409 expect(component.getModelData()).toEqual({myname: null});\r
410 });\r
411 });\r
414 describe("minValue", function() {\r
415 describe("minValue config", function() {\r
416 it("should allow a string, parsed according to the format config", function() {\r
417 makeComponent({\r
418 format: 'g:i.A',\r
419 minValue: '8:30.AM'\r
420 });\r
421 expect(component.minValue).toEqualTime(8,30);\r
422 });\r
424 it("should allow times after it to pass validation", function() {\r
425 makeComponent({\r
426 minValue: '8:45 AM',\r
427 value: '9:15 AM'\r
428 });\r
429 expect(component.getErrors().length).toEqual(0);\r
430 });\r
432 it("should cause times before it to fail validation", function() {\r
433 makeComponent({\r
434 minValue: '10:45 AM',\r
435 value: '9:15 AM'\r
436 });\r
437 expect(component.getErrors().length).toEqual(1);\r
438 expect(component.getErrors()[0]).toEqual('The time in this field must be equal to or after 10:45 AM');\r
439 });\r
441 it("should fall back to 12AM if the string cannot be parsed", function() {\r
442 makeComponent({\r
443 minValue: 'foopy',\r
444 value: '12:00 AM'\r
445 });\r
446 expect(component.getErrors().length).toEqual(0);\r
447 });\r
449 it("should allow a Date object", function() {\r
450 makeComponent({\r
451 minValue: new Date(2010, 1, 1, 8, 30)\r
452 });\r
453 expect(component.minValue).toEqualTime(8,30);\r
454 });\r
456 it("should be passed to the time picker object", function() {\r
457 makeComponent({\r
458 minValue: '8:45 AM'\r
459 });\r
460 component.expand();\r
461 expect(component.getPicker().minValue).toEqualTime(8, 45);\r
462 });\r
463 });\r
465 describe("setMinValue method", function() {\r
466 it("should allow a string, parsed according to the format config", function() {\r
467 makeComponent({\r
468 format: 'g:i A'\r
469 });\r
470 component.setMinValue('1:15 PM');\r
471 expect(component.minValue).toEqualTime(13, 15);\r
472 });\r
474 it("should allow times after it to pass validation", function() {\r
475 makeComponent({\r
476 value: '9:15 AM'\r
477 });\r
478 component.setMinValue('7:45 AM');\r
479 expect(component.getErrors().length).toEqual(0);\r
480 });\r
482 it("should cause times before it to fail validation", function() {\r
483 makeComponent({\r
484 value: '9:15 AM'\r
485 });\r
486 component.setMinValue('10:45 AM');\r
487 expect(component.getErrors().length).toEqual(1);\r
488 expect(component.getErrors()[0]).toEqual('The time in this field must be equal to or after 10:45 AM');\r
489 });\r
491 it("should fall back to 12AM if the string cannot be parsed", function() {\r
492 makeComponent({\r
493 value: '12:00 AM'\r
494 });\r
495 component.setMinValue('foopy');\r
496 expect(component.getErrors().length).toEqual(0);\r
497 });\r
499 it("should allow a Date object", function() {\r
500 makeComponent();\r
501 component.setMinValue(new Date(2010, 1, 1, 8, 30));\r
502 expect(component.minValue).toEqualTime(8,30);\r
503 });\r
505 it("should call the time picker's setMinValue method", function() {\r
506 makeComponent();\r
507 component.expand();\r
508 var spy = spyOn(component.getPicker(), 'setMinValue');\r
509 component.setMinValue('11:15 AM');\r
510 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();\r
511 expect(spy.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqualTime(11, 15);\r
512 });\r
513 });\r
514 });\r
516 describe("maxValue", function() {\r
517 describe("maxValue config", function() {\r
518 it("should allow a string, parsed according to the format config", function() {\r
519 makeComponent({\r
520 format: 'g:i.A',\r
521 maxValue: '8:30.PM'\r
522 });\r
523 expect(component.maxValue).toEqualTime(20,30);\r
524 });\r
526 it("should allow times before it to pass validation", function() {\r
527 makeComponent({\r
528 maxValue: '8:45 PM',\r
529 value: '7:15 PM'\r
530 });\r
531 expect(component.getErrors().length).toEqual(0);\r
532 });\r
534 it("should cause times after it to fail validation", function() {\r
535 makeComponent({\r
536 maxValue: '8:45 PM',\r
537 value: '9:15 PM'\r
538 });\r
539 expect(component.getErrors().length).toEqual(1);\r
540 expect(component.getErrors()[0]).toEqual('The time in this field must be equal to or before 8:45 PM');\r
541 });\r
543 it("should fall back to the end of the day if the string cannot be parsed", function() {\r
544 makeComponent({\r
545 maxValue: 'foopy',\r
546 value: '11:59 PM'\r
547 });\r
548 expect(component.getErrors().length).toEqual(0);\r
549 });\r
551 it("should allow a Date object", function() {\r
552 makeComponent({\r
553 maxValue: new Date(2010, 1, 1, 20, 30)\r
554 });\r
555 expect(component.maxValue).toEqualTime(20, 30);\r
556 });\r
558 it("should be passed to the time picker object", function() {\r
559 makeComponent({\r
560 maxValue: '8:45 PM'\r
561 });\r
562 component.expand();\r
563 expect(component.getPicker().maxValue).toEqualTime(20, 45);\r
564 });\r
565 });\r
567 describe("setMaxValue method", function() {\r
568 it("should allow a string, parsed according to the format config", function() {\r
569 makeComponent({\r
570 format: 'g:i A'\r
571 });\r
572 component.setMaxValue('1:15 PM');\r
573 expect(component.maxValue).toEqualTime(13, 15);\r
574 });\r
576 it("should allow times before it to pass validation", function() {\r
577 makeComponent({\r
578 value: '5:15 PM'\r
579 });\r
580 component.setMaxValue('7:45 PM');\r
581 expect(component.getErrors().length).toEqual(0);\r
582 });\r
584 it("should cause times after it to fail validation", function() {\r
585 makeComponent({\r
586 value: '9:15 PM'\r
587 });\r
588 component.setMaxValue('7:45 PM');\r
589 expect(component.getErrors().length).toEqual(1);\r
590 expect(component.getErrors()[0]).toEqual('The time in this field must be equal to or before 7:45 PM');\r
591 });\r
593 it("should fall back to the end of the day if the string cannot be parsed", function() {\r
594 makeComponent({\r
595 value: '11:59 PM'\r
596 });\r
597 component.setMaxValue('foopy');\r
598 expect(component.getErrors().length).toEqual(0);\r
599 });\r
601 it("should allow a Date object", function() {\r
602 makeComponent();\r
603 component.setMaxValue(new Date(2010, 1, 1, 20, 30));\r
604 expect(component.maxValue).toEqualTime(20, 30);\r
605 });\r
607 it("should call the time picker's setMaxValue method", function() {\r
608 makeComponent();\r
609 component.expand();\r
610 var spy = spyOn(component.getPicker(), 'setMaxValue');\r
611 component.setMaxValue('11:15 PM');\r
612 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();\r
613 expect(spy.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqualTime(23, 15);\r
614 });\r
615 });\r
616 });\r
618 describe('onBlur', function() {\r
619 beforeEach(function() {\r
620 makeComponent({\r
621 renderTo: Ext.getBody()\r
622 });\r
623 });\r
624 \r
625 it('should format the raw value', function () {\r
626 jasmine.focusAndWait(component);\r
627 \r
628 runs(function() {\r
629 component.setRawValue('123');\r
631 // Programmatic blur fails on IEs. Focus then remove a button\r
632 Ext.getBody().createChild({ tag: 'button' }).focus().remove();\r
633 });\r
634 \r
635 waitsFor(function() {\r
636 return !component.hasFocus;\r
637 }, 'the TimeField to blur', 1000);\r
638 \r
639 runs(function() {\r
640 expect(component.getRawValue()).toEqual('1:23 AM');\r
641 });\r
642 });\r
644 it('should not reset the hours, minutes or seconds', function () {\r
645 var parts, d;\r
646 \r
647 parts = component.initDateParts;\r
648 d = new Date(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], 13, 22, 42);\r
650 jasmine.focusAndWait(component);\r
651 \r
652 runs(function() {\r
653 component.setValue(d);\r
654 component.blur();\r
655 });\r
656 \r
657 waitsFor(function() {\r
658 return !component.hasFocus;\r
659 }, 'the TimeField to blur', 1000);\r
660 \r
661 runs(function() {\r
662 expect(component.getValue()).toEqual(d);\r
663 });\r
664 });\r
665 });\r
667 describe("validation", function() {\r
668 it("should return the invalidText if an invalid time string is entered via text", function () {\r
669 makeComponent();\r
670 component.setRawValue('01:000 AM');\r
671 expect(component.getErrors()[0]).toBe(Ext.String.format(component.invalidText, '01:000 AM'));\r
672 });\r
673 });\r
675 describe('syncSelection', function () {\r
676 it('should call select on the selection model with the new value record if there are no valid selections and forceSelect is false', function () {\r
677 makeComponent({\r
678 minValue: '7:00 PM',\r
679 maxValue: '9:15 PM'\r
680 });\r
682 spyOn(component.picker.selModel, 'select');\r
683 component.setValue('1');\r
685 expect(component.picker.selModel.select).toHaveBeenCalled();\r
686 });\r
687 });\r
689 describe('forceSelection', function () {\r
690 function doTest(value) {\r
691 makeComponent({\r
692 forceSelection: true,\r
693 minValue: '7:00 PM',\r
694 maxValue: '9:15 PM',\r
695 value: value\r
696 });\r
697 }\r
699 it('should work with a legitimate value', function () {\r
700 var v = '9:00 PM';\r
701 doTest(v);\r
703 expect(component.selection.data.disp).toBe(v);\r
704 });\r
706 it('should work with an illegitimate value', function () {\r
707 doTest('9:01 PM');\r
709 expect(component.selection).toBe(null);\r
710 });\r
711 });\r