]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blame - extjs/classic/classic/test/specs/util/KeyboardInteractive.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / classic / classic / test / specs / util / KeyboardInteractive.js
1describe("Ext.util.KeyboardInteractive", function() {\r
2 var Event = Ext.event.Event,\r
3 createSpy = jasmine.createSpy,\r
4 focusAndWait = jasmine.focusAndWait,\r
5 waitAWhile = jasmine.waitAWhile,\r
6 pressArrowKey = jasmine.pressArrowKey,\r
7 fireKeyEvent = jasmine.fireKeyEvent,\r
8 c, focusEl;\r
9 \r
10 function stdComponent(config) {\r
11 return Ext.apply({\r
12 xtype: 'component',\r
13 renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\r
14 width: 100,\r
15 height: 100,\r
16 focusable: true,\r
17 tabIndex: 0,\r
18 getFocusEl: function() {\r
19 return this.el;\r
20 },\r
21 onKeyDefault: Ext.emptyFn\r
22 }, config);\r
23 }\r
24 \r
25 function makeComponent(config) {\r
26 var cmpCfg = stdComponent(config);\r
27 \r
28 c = new Ext.Component(cmpCfg);\r
29 \r
30 return c;\r
31 }\r
32 \r
33 afterEach(function() {\r
34 if (c) {\r
35 c.destroy();\r
36 }\r
37 \r
38 c = null;\r
39 });\r
40 \r
41 describe("config handling", function() {\r
42 beforeEach(function() {\r
43 makeComponent();\r
44 });\r
45 \r
46 it("should accept binding as function", function() {\r
47 spyOn(Ext.log, 'warn');\r
48 \r
49 c.setKeyHandlers({ UP: Ext.emptyFn });\r
50 \r
51 expect(Ext.log.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalled();\r
52 \r
53 var handlers = c.getKeyHandlers();\r
54 \r
55 expect(handlers.UP).toBe(Ext.emptyFn);\r
56 });\r
57 \r
58 it("should accept binding as fn name", function() {\r
59 c.setKeyHandlers({ DOWN: 'onKeyDefault' });\r
60 \r
61 var handlers = c.getKeyHandlers();\r
62 \r
63 expect(handlers.DOWN).toBe(Ext.emptyFn);\r
64 });\r
65 \r
66 it("should throw on unknown keycode", function() {\r
67 var err = "Unknown key: FOO in keyHandlers config for " + c.id +\r
68 ". Key names should be in UPPER CASE.";\r
69 \r
70 expect(function() {\r
71 c.setKeyHandlers({ FOO: 'onKeyFoo' });\r
72 }).toThrow(err);\r
73 });\r
74 \r
75 it("should warn on undefined binding", function() {\r
76 // The warning is expected\r
77 spyOn(Ext.log, 'warn');\r
78 \r
79 c.setKeyHandlers({ UP: 'onKeyUp' });\r
80 \r
81 var have = Ext.log.warn.mostRecentCall.args[0],\r
82 want = "Undefined binding onKeyUp for UP key " +\r
83 "in keyHandlers config for " + c.id;\r
84 \r
85 expect(have).toBe(want);\r
86 });\r
87 });\r
88 \r
89 describe("keydown listener", function() {\r
90 describe("w/o config", function() {\r
91 beforeEach(function() {\r
92 makeComponent();\r
93 \r
94 focusEl = c.getFocusEl();\r
95 });\r
96 \r
97 it("should not attach listener initially", function() {\r
98 expect(focusEl.hasListener('keydown')).toBe(false);\r
99 });\r
100 \r
101 it("should attach listener on config update", function() {\r
102 c.setKeyHandlers({ HOME: 'onKeyDefault' });\r
103 \r
104 expect(focusEl.hasListener('keydown')).toBe(true);\r
105 });\r
106 });\r
107 \r
108 describe("with config", function() {\r
109 beforeEach(function() {\r
110 makeComponent({\r
111 keyHandlers: {\r
112 LEFT: 'onKeyDefault'\r
113 }\r
114 });\r
115 \r
116 focusEl = c.getFocusEl();\r
117 });\r
118 \r
119 it("should attach listener after render", function() {\r
120 expect(focusEl.hasListener('keydown')).toBe(true);\r
121 });\r
122 \r
123 it("should not attach listener more than once", function() {\r
124 c.setKeyHandlers({ RIGHT: 'onKeyDefault' });\r
125 \r
126 expect(focusEl.hasListeners.keydown).toBe(1);\r
127 });\r
128 });\r
129 });\r
130 \r
131 describe("handlers", function() {\r
132 var leftSpy, rightSpy;\r
133 \r
134 beforeEach(function() {\r
135 leftSpy = createSpy('left');\r
136 rightSpy = createSpy('right');\r
137 \r
138 makeComponent({\r
139 keyHandlers: {\r
140 LEFT: 'onKeyLeft',\r
141 RIGHT: 'onKeyRight'\r
142 },\r
143 \r
144 onKeyLeft: leftSpy,\r
145 onKeyRight: rightSpy\r
146 });\r
147 });\r
148 \r
149 afterEach(function() {\r
150 leftSpy = rightSpy = null;\r
151 });\r
152 \r
153 describe("resolving", function() {\r
154 it("should resolve handler name to function", function() {\r
155 var handlers = c.getKeyHandlers();\r
156 \r
157 expect(handlers.LEFT).toBe(leftSpy);\r
158 });\r
159 });\r
160 \r
161 describe("invoking", function() {\r
162 describe("matching a handler", function() {\r
163 it("should invoke the handler", function() {\r
164 pressArrowKey(c, 'left');\r
165 \r
166 runs(function() {\r
167 expect(leftSpy).toHaveBeenCalled();\r
168 });\r
169 });\r
170 \r
171 it("should pass the key event", function() {\r
172 focusAndWait(c);\r
173 \r
174 runs(function() {\r
175 fireKeyEvent(c.getFocusEl(), 'keydown', Event.RIGHT);\r
176 });\r
177 \r
178 waitAWhile();\r
179 \r
180 runs(function() {\r
181 var args = rightSpy.mostRecentCall.args,\r
182 ev = args[0];\r
183 \r
184 expect(ev.getKey()).toBe(Event.RIGHT);\r
185 });\r
186 });\r
187 });\r
188 \r
189 describe("not matching a handler", function() {\r
190 it("should not throw", function() {\r
191 focusAndWait(c);\r
192 \r
193 runs(function() {\r
194 expect(function() {\r
195 fireKeyEvent(c.getFocusEl(), 'keydown', Event.UP);\r
196 }).not.toThrow();\r
197 });\r
198 });\r
199 });\r
200 });\r
201 });\r