]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blob - extjs/build/examples/kitchensink/classic/samples/view/charts/line/Renderer.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / build / examples / kitchensink / classic / samples / view / charts / line / Renderer.js
1 /**
2 * This example shows how to create a line chart with a renderer function that changes the
3 * stroke and fill colors when the line goes down.
4 *
5 * Line charts allow to visualize the evolution of a value over time, or the ratio between
6 * any two values.
7 */
8 Ext.define('KitchenSink.view.charts.line.Renderer', {
9 extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
10 xtype: 'line-renderer',
11 controller: 'line-renderer',
13 requires: [
14 'Ext.chart.CartesianChart',
15 'Ext.chart.series.Line',
16 'Ext.chart.axis.Numeric',
17 'Ext.draw.modifier.Highlight',
18 'Ext.chart.axis.Time',
19 'Ext.chart.interactions.ItemHighlight'
20 ],
22 layout: 'fit',
24 width: 650,
26 tbar: [
27 '->',
28 {
29 text: 'Refresh',
30 handler: 'onRefresh'
31 }
32 ],
34 items: [{
35 xtype: 'cartesian',
36 reference: 'chart',
37 width: '100%',
38 height: 500,
39 store: {
40 type: 'pie'
41 },
42 interactions: {
43 type: 'panzoom',
44 zoomOnPanGesture: true
45 },
46 series: [
47 {
48 type: 'line',
49 xField: 'name',
50 yField: 'g1',
51 fill: true,
52 smooth: true,
53 style: {
54 lineWidth: 4
55 },
56 marker: {
57 type: 'circle',
58 radius: 10,
59 lineWidth: 2
60 },
61 renderer: 'onSeriesRender'
62 }
63 ],
64 axes: [
65 {
66 type: 'numeric',
67 position: 'left',
68 fields: ['g1'],
69 minimum: 0,
70 listeners: {
71 rangechange: 'onAxisRangeChange'
72 }
73 },
74 {
75 type: 'category',
76 position: 'bottom',
77 fields: 'name'
78 }
79 ]
80 }]
82 });