]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blob - extjs/build/examples/kitchensink/modern/src/view/binding/Form.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / build / examples / kitchensink / modern / src / view / binding / Form.js
1 Ext.define('KitchenSink.view.binding.Form', {
2 extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
4 //<example>
5 requires: [
6 'Ext.app.ViewModel'
7 ],
8 //</example>
10 viewModel: {
11 data: {
12 red: 255,
13 green: 100,
14 blue: 150
15 }
16 },
18 layout: 'vbox',
19 scrollable: true,
21 items: {
22 xtype: 'fieldset',
23 flex: 1,
24 minHeight: 400,
25 defaultType: 'container',
26 layout: 'vbox',
27 instructions: [
28 'The style of the color block is controlled by either the numeric ',
29 'field or the slider. Both the numeric fields and the slider are bound to ',
30 'the same value in the View Model.'
31 ].join(''),
32 items: [{
33 layout: 'hbox',
34 defaults: {
35 maxValue: 255,
36 minValue: 0
37 },
38 items: [{
39 xtype: 'numberfield',
40 label: 'Red',
41 labelWidth: '50%',
42 width: 150,
43 bind: '{red}'
44 }, {
45 xtype: 'singlesliderfield',
46 flex: 1,
47 bind: '{red}',
48 liveUpdate: true
49 }]
50 }, {
51 layout: 'hbox',
52 defaults: {
53 maxValue: 255,
54 minValue: 0
55 },
56 items: [{
57 xtype: 'numberfield',
58 label: 'Green',
59 labelWidth: '50%',
60 width: 150,
61 bind: '{green}'
62 }, {
63 xtype: 'singlesliderfield',
64 flex: 1,
65 bind: '{green}',
66 liveUpdate: true
67 }]
68 }, {
69 layout: 'hbox',
70 defaults: {
71 maxValue: 255,
72 minValue: 0
73 },
74 items: [{
75 xtype: 'numberfield',
76 label: 'Blue',
77 labelWidth: '50%',
78 width: 150,
79 bind: '{blue}'
80 }, {
81 xtype: 'singlesliderfield',
82 flex: 1,
83 bind: '{blue}',
84 liveUpdate: true
85 }]
86 }, {
87 xtype: 'component',
88 flex: 1,
89 bind: {
90 style: {
91 backgroundColor: 'rgba({red}, {green}, {blue}, 1)'
92 }
93 }
94 }]
95 }
96 });