]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blob - extjs/classic/theme-neutral/.sencha/test/test-impl.xml
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[extjs.git] / extjs / classic / theme-neutral / .sencha / test / test-impl.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <!--
3 ********************************** DO NOT EDIT **********************************
5 This file will be replaced during upgrades so DO NOT EDIT this file. If you need to
6 adjust the process, reading and understanding this file is the first step.
8 In most cases, the adjustments can be achieved by setting properties or providing one
9 of the "hooks" in the form of a "-before-" or "-after-" target. Whenever possible, look
10 for one of these solutions.
12 Failing that, you can copy whole targets to your build.xml file and it will overrride
13 the target provided here. Doing that can create problems for upgrading to newer
14 versions of Cmd so it is not recommended but it will be easier to manage than editing
15 this file in most cases.
16 -->
17 <project name="cmd-test">
18 <target name="-before-test-init"/>
19 <target name="-test-init">
20 <condition property="environment.dir" value="${app.dir}">
21 <isset property="${app.dir}"/>
22 </condition>
24 <property name="environment.dir" value="${package.dir}"/>
25 <property name="cmd-test.specs.dir" value="${environment.dir}/test/specs"/>
26 <property name="cmd-test.specs.test-json" value="${cmd-test.specs.dir}/test.json"/>
27 </target>
28 <target name="-after-test-init"/>
29 <target name="test-init"
30 depends="init,-before-test-init,-test-init,-after-test-init"/>
32 <target name="-before-test-console"/>
33 <target name="-test-console" depends="test-bootstrap">
34 <echo>Launching Sencha Test Console</echo>
35 <echo>using cmd.dir : ${cmd.dir}</echo>
36 <x-sencha-command
37 dir="cmd-test.specs.dir">
38 <property name="cmd-test.run.launch-browser"
39 value="${cmd-test.run.launch-browser}"/>
40 test
41 console
42 -configFile
43 ${cmd-test.specs.test-json}
44 </x-sencha-command>
45 </target>
46 <target name="-after-test-console"/>
47 <target name="test-console"
48 depends="test-init,-before-test-console,-test-console,-after-test-console"
49 description="Run tests"/>
51 <target name="-before-test-run"/>
52 <target name="-test-run" depends="test-bootstrap">
53 <echo>Launching Sencha Test Runner</echo>
54 <echo>using cmd.dir : ${cmd.dir}</echo>
55 <x-sencha-command
56 dir="cmd-test.specs.dir">
57 test
58 run
59 -configFile
60 ${cmd-test.specs.test-json}
61 </x-sencha-command>
62 </target>
63 <target name="-after-test-run"/>
64 <target name="test-run"
65 depends="test-init,-before-test-run,-test-run,-after-test-run"
66 description="Run tests"/>
69 <target name="-before-test-bootstrap"/>
70 <target name="-test-bootstrap">
71 <local name="local.runner.dir"/>
72 <local name="console.runner.dir"/>
73 <local name="specfiles.list"/>
74 <local name="base.path"/>
76 <property name="local.runner.dir" value="${environment.dir}/test/local"/>
77 <property name="console.runner.dir" value="${environment.dir}/test/specs"/>
79 <property name="base.path" value="${local.runner.dir}"/>
80 <property name="bootstrap.specs.file" value="../bootstrap-specs.js"/>
82 <x-bootstrap file="${base.path}/../bootstrap.js"
83 basedir="${base.path}"
84 coreFilesFile="${base.path}/../bootstrap-files.js"
85 classMetadataFile="${base.path}/../bootstrap-data.js"
86 overridesFile="${base.path}/../bootstrap-data.js"
87 includeBoot="true"
88 includeManifest="true"
89 includeCoreFiles="true"
90 appendCoreFiles="false"
91 includeMetadata="false"
92 appendClassMetadata="false"
93 appendOverrides="true"
94 overrideExcludeTags="">
95 <![CDATA[
96 Ext.Boot.loadSync([
97 "../bootstrap-files.js",
98 "../bootstrap-data.js",
99 "../bootstrap-launch.js"
100 ]);
101 ]]>
102 </x-bootstrap>
104 <!--
105 for the local runner, we also need to include all spec files in the bootstrap
106 info
107 -->
108 <x-script-def name="x-load-specs">
109 <attribute name="base"/>
110 <attribute name="property"/>
111 <attribute name="configprop"/>
112 <script src="${cmd.dir}/ant/ant-util.js"/>
113 <![CDATA[
114 importPackage(com.sencha.util);
115 importPackage(com.sencha.logging);
116 var logger = SenchaLogManager.getLogger(),
117 specDir = project.getProperty('cmd-test.specs.dir') + '',
118 propName = attributes.get("property") + '',
119 basePath = attributes.get("base") + '',
120 configPropName = attributes.get("configprop"),
121 config = readConfig(joinPath(specDir, 'test.json')),
122 getScriptFiles = function(path, basePath) {
123 var converted = [],
124 files = FileUtil.getAllFilesByExtension(path, ".js"),
125 length = files.size(), file, f,
126 relPath;
127 for(f = 0; f < length; f++) {
128 file = files.get(f);
129 logger.debug("getting relpath from {} to {}", basePath, file);
130 relPath = PathUtil.getRelativePath(basePath, file);
131 relPath = PathUtil.convertPathCharsToUnix(relPath);
132 converted.push('"' + relPath + '"');
133 }
134 return converted;
135 },
136 files = config[configPropName] || [],
137 len = files.length, file, f,
138 relPath,
139 converted = [];
141 for(f = 0; f < len; f++) {
142 file = files[f];
143 if(!PathUtil.isAbsolute(file)) {
144 file = PathUtil.join(specDir, file);
145 }
146 file = PathUtil.getCanonicalPath(file);
147 converted = converted.concat(getScriptFiles(file, basePath));
148 }
149 project.setNewProperty(propName, StringUtil.join(converted, ',\n'));
150 ]]>
151 </x-script-def>
152 <x-load-specs base="${local.runner.dir}" property="specfiles.list" configprop="specs"/>
153 <echo file="${local.runner.dir}/${bootstrap.specs.file}"><![CDATA[
154 Ext.Boot.load({
155 charset: "UTF-8",
156 url: [
157 ${specfiles.list}
158 ],
159 success: function() {
160 Ext.Boot.load('../start-tests.js');
161 }
162 });
163 ]]>
164 </echo>
165 </target>
166 <target name="-after-test-bootstrap"/>
167 <target name="test-bootstrap"
168 depends="test-init,-before-test-bootstrap,-test-bootstrap,-after-test-bootstrap"
169 description="Re-generate the bootstrap info for local and console test harnesses"/>
171 </project>