]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blob - extjs/examples/classic/grid/buffer-grid.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / examples / classic / grid / buffer-grid.js
1 Ext.require([
2 'Ext.grid.*',
3 'Ext.data.*',
4 'Ext.util.*'
5 ]);
7 Ext.define('Employee', {
8 extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
9 fields: [{
10 name: 'employeeNo'
11 }, {
12 name: 'rating',
13 type: 'int'
14 }, {
15 name: 'salary',
16 type: 'float'
17 }, {
18 name: 'name',
19 convert: function (value, record) {
20 return record.get('forename') + ' ' + record.get('surname');
21 }
22 }, {
23 name: 'forename'
24 }, {
25 name: 'surname'
26 }, {
27 name: 'email'
28 }, {
29 name: 'department'
30 }, {
31 name: 'dob',
32 type: 'date',
33 dateFormat: 'Ymd'
34 }, {
35 name: 'joinDate',
36 type: 'date',
37 dateFormat: 'Ymd'
38 }, {
39 name: 'noticePeriod'
40 }, {
41 name: 'sickDays',
42 type: 'int'
43 }, {
44 name: 'holidayDays',
45 type: 'int'
46 }, {
47 name: 'holidayAllowance',
48 type: 'int'
49 }],
50 idField: 'employeeNo'
51 });
53 Ext.onReady(function() {
55 function random(from, to) {
56 return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from + 1) + from);
57 }
59 function getEmployeeNo() {
60 var out = '',
61 i = 0;
62 for (; i < 6; ++i) {
63 out += random(0, 7);
64 }
65 return out;
66 }
68 /**
69 * Returns an array of fake data
70 * @param {Number} count The number of fake rows to create data for
71 * @return {Array} The fake record data, suitable for usage with an ArrayReader
72 */
73 function createFakeData(count, data) {
74 var firstNames = ['Ed', 'Tommy', 'Aaron', 'Abe', 'Jamie', 'Adam', 'Dave', 'David', 'Jay', 'Nicolas', 'Nige'],
75 lastNames = ['Spencer', 'Maintz', 'Conran', 'Elias', 'Avins', 'Mishcon', 'Kaneda', 'Davis', 'Robinson', 'Ferrero', 'White'],
76 departments = ['Engineering', 'Sales', 'Marketing', 'Managment', 'Support', 'Administration'],
77 ratings = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
78 salaries = [100, 400, 900, 1500, 1000000],
79 noticePeriods= ['2 weeks', '1 month', '3 months'],
80 i;
82 for (i = 0; i < (count || 25); i++) {
83 var firstName = firstNames[random(0, firstNames.length - 1)],
84 lastName = lastNames[random(0, lastNames.length - 1)],
85 name = Ext.String.format("{0} {1}", firstName, lastName),
86 email = firstName.toLowerCase() + '.' + lastName.toLowerCase() + '@sentcha.com',
87 rating = ratings[(name === 'Nige White') ? 0 : random(0, ratings.length - 1)],
88 salary = salaries[(name === 'Nige White') ? 4 : random(0, salaries.length - 1)],
89 department = departments[random(0, departments.length - 1)],
90 ageInYears = random(23, 55),
91 dob = new Date(new Date().getFullYear() - ageInYears, random(0, 11), random(0, 31)),
92 joinDate = new Date(new Date() - random(60, 2000) * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24),
93 sickDays = random(0, 10),
94 holidayDays = random(0, 10),
95 holidayAllowance = random(20, 40);
97 data.push({
98 employeeNo: getEmployeeNo(),
99 rating: rating,
100 salary: salary,
101 forename: firstName,
102 surname: lastName,
103 email: email,
104 department: department,
105 dob: dob,
106 joinDate: joinDate,
107 sickDays: sickDays,
108 holidayDays: holidayDays,
109 holidayAllowance: holidayAllowance,
110 noticePeriod: noticePeriods[random(0, noticePeriods.length - 1)]
111 });
112 }
113 }
115 // Create the Data Store.
116 // Because it is buffered, the automatic load will be directed
117 // through the prefetch mechanism, and be read through the page cache
118 var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
119 groupField: 'department',
120 model: 'Employee'
121 });
123 var jumpToRow = function(){
124 var fld = grid.down('#gotoLine');
125 if (fld.isValid()) {
126 grid.view.bufferedRenderer.scrollTo(fld.getValue() - 1, true);
127 }
128 };
130 var data = [],
131 perBatch = 1000,
132 max = 5000;
134 var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
135 width: 700,
136 height: 500,
137 title: 'Buffered Grid of 5,000 random records',
138 store: store,
139 loadMask: true,
140 selModel: {
141 pruneRemoved: false
142 },
143 viewConfig: {
144 trackOver: false
145 },
146 features: [{
147 ftype: 'groupingsummary',
148 groupHeaderTpl: '{columnName}: {name}',
149 showSummaryRow: false
150 }],
151 // grid columns
152 columns:[{
153 xtype: 'rownumberer',
154 width: 40,
155 sortable: false
156 }, {
157 text: 'Id',
158 sortable: true,
159 dataIndex: 'employeeNo',
160 groupable: false,
161 width: 70
162 }, {
163 text: 'Name',
164 sortable: true,
165 dataIndex: 'name',
166 groupable: false,
167 width: 120
168 }, {
169 text: 'Date of birth',
170 dataIndex: 'dob',
171 xtype: 'datecolumn',
172 groupable: false
173 }, {
174 text: 'Join date',
175 dataIndex: 'joinDate',
176 xtype: 'datecolumn',
177 groupable: false
178 }, {
179 text: 'Notice period',
180 dataIndex: 'noticePeriod'
181 }, {
182 text: 'Email address',
183 dataIndex: 'email',
184 width: 200,
185 groupable: false,
186 renderer: function(v) {
187 return '<a href="mailto:' + v + '">' + v + '</a>';
188 }
189 }, {
190 text: 'Department',
191 dataIndex: 'department',
192 hidden: true
193 }, {
194 text: 'Absences',
195 columns: [{
196 text: 'Illness',
197 dataIndex: 'sickDays',
198 width: 60,
199 groupable: false
200 }, {
201 text: 'Holidays',
202 dataIndex: 'holidayDays',
203 width: 70,
204 groupable: false
205 }, {
206 text: 'Holiday Allowance',
207 dataIndex: 'holidayAllowance',
208 width: 125,
209 groupable: false
210 }]
211 }, {
212 text: 'Rating',
213 width: 70,
214 sortable: true,
215 dataIndex: 'rating',
216 groupable: false
217 }, {
218 text: 'Salary',
219 width: 110,
220 sortable: true,
221 dataIndex: 'salary',
222 align: 'right',
223 renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
224 groupable: false
225 }],
226 bbar: [{
227 labelWidth: 80,
228 fieldLabel: 'Jump to row',
229 xtype: 'numberfield',
230 minValue: 1,
231 maxValue: max,
232 allowDecimals: false,
233 itemId: 'gotoLine',
234 enableKeyEvents: true,
235 listeners: {
236 specialkey: function(field, e){
237 if (e.getKey() === e.ENTER) {
238 jumpToRow();
239 }
240 }
241 }
242 }, {
243 text: 'Go',
244 handler: jumpToRow
245 }],
246 renderTo: Ext.getBody()
247 });
249 function makeData() {
250 createFakeData(perBatch, data);
251 if (data.length < max) {
252 setTimeout(makeData, 10);
253 } else {
254 grid.el.unmask();
255 store.loadData(data);
256 }
257 }
259 grid.el.mask('Generating fake data...');
261 // In old IE, the fake data loop can cause a slow script warning,
262 // so kick this off in the "background" to load the data in chunks.
263 makeData();
264 });