]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blob - extjs/examples/classic/qtips/qtips.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / examples / classic / qtips / qtips.js
1 Ext.require([
2 'Ext.tip.*',
3 'Ext.Button',
4 'Ext.window.MessageBox'
5 ]);
7 Ext.onReady(function() {
8 // Generate the buttons
9 var defaultButtonConfig = {
10 scale: 'medium',
11 style: {
12 "margin-right": '10px'
13 }
14 };
16 var buttons = [{
17 id : 'tip1',
18 text : 'Basic ToolTip',
19 renderTo: 'easiest'
20 },{
21 id : 'tip2',
22 text : 'autoHide disabled',
23 renderTo: 'easiest'
24 },{
25 id : 'ajax-tip',
26 text : 'Ajax ToolTip',
27 renderTo: 'easiest'
28 },{
29 id : 'track-tip',
30 text : 'Mouse Track',
31 renderTo: 'easiest'
32 },{
33 id : 'leftCallout',
34 text : 'Anchor right, rich content',
35 renderTo: 'anchor'
36 },{
37 id : 'bottomCallout',
38 text : 'Anchor below',
39 width : 200,
40 renderTo: 'anchor'
41 },{
42 id : 'trackCallout',
43 text : 'Anchor with tracking',
44 renderTo: 'anchor'
45 }];
47 Ext.each(buttons, function(config) {
48 var btn = Ext.create('Ext.Button', Ext.apply({}, config, defaultButtonConfig));
49 });
51 var tooltips = [{
52 target: 'tip1',
53 html: 'A very simple tooltip'
54 },{
55 target: 'ajax-tip',
56 width: 200,
57 loader: {
58 url: 'ajax-tip.html',
59 loadOnRender: true
60 },
61 dismissDelay: 15000 // auto hide after 15 seconds
62 },{
63 target: 'tip2',
64 title: 'My Tip Title',
65 html: 'Click the X to close me',
66 autoHide : false,
67 closable : true,
68 draggable: true
69 },{
70 target: 'track-tip',
71 title: 'Mouse Track',
72 width: 200,
73 html: 'This tip will follow the mouse while it is over the element',
74 trackMouse: true
75 },{
76 title: '<a href="#">Rich Content Tooltip</a>',
77 id: 'content-anchor-tip',
78 target: 'leftCallout',
79 anchor: 'left',
80 html: null,
81 width: 415,
82 autoHide: false,
83 closable: true,
84 contentEl: 'content-tip', // load content from the page
85 listeners: {
86 'render': function(){
87 this.header.on('click', function(header, e){
88 e.stopEvent();
89 Ext.Msg.alert('Link', 'Link to something interesting.');
90 Ext.getCmp('content-anchor-tip').hide();
91 }, this, {delegate:'a'});
92 }
93 }
94 },{
95 target: 'bottomCallout',
96 anchor: 'top',
97 anchorOffset: 85, // center the anchor on the tooltip
98 html: 'This tip\'s anchor is centered'
99 },{
100 target: 'trackCallout',
101 anchor: 'right',
102 trackMouse: true,
103 html: 'Tracking while you move the mouse'
104 }];
106 Ext.each(tooltips, function(config) {
107 Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', config);
108 });
110 Ext.QuickTips.init();
111 });