]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blob - extjs/examples/kitchensink/modern/src/view/NestedLoading.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / examples / kitchensink / modern / src / view / NestedLoading.js
1 /*
2 * This panel sets up a DataView, which defines an XTemplate used to render our data. We also set up
3 * the toolbar with the "Load Nested Data" button here
4 */
5 Ext.define('KitchenSink.view.NestedLoading', {
6 extend: 'Ext.Container',
8 layout: 'fit',
9 items: [{
10 docked: 'top',
11 xtype: 'toolbar',
12 items: [{
13 text: 'Load Nested Data',
14 handler: function() {
15 Ext.getCmp('NestedLoadingDataView').getStore().load();
16 }
17 }, {
18 text: 'Explain',
19 handler: function() {
20 if (!this.explanation) {
21 this.explanation = Ext.create('Ext.Panel', {
22 modal: true,
23 hideOnMaskTap: true,
24 centered: true,
25 width: Ext.filterPlatform('ie10') ? '100%' : 320,
26 height: Ext.filterPlatform('ie10') ? '60%' : 200,
27 styleHtmlContent: true,
28 scrollable: true,
29 items: {
30 docked: 'top',
31 xtype: 'toolbar',
32 title: 'Loading Nested Data'
33 },
34 html: [
35 '<p>The data package can load deeply nested data in a single request. In this example we are loading a fictional',
36 'dataset containing Users, their Orders, and each Order\'s OrderItems.</p>',
37 '<p>Instead of pulling down each record in turn, we load the full data set in a single request and allow the data',
38 'package to automatically parse the nested data.</p>',
39 '<p>As one of the more complex examples, it is worth tapping the "Source" button to see how this is set up.</p>'
40 ].join("")
41 });
42 Ext.Viewport.add(this.explanation);
43 }
44 this.explanation.show();
45 }
46 }]
47 }, {
48 xtype: 'dataview',
49 id: 'NestedLoadingDataView',
50 emptyText: 'No Data Loaded',
51 styleHtmlContent: true,
52 /*
53 * The XTemplate allows us to easily render the data from our User model, as well as
54 * iterating over each User's Orders and OrderItems:
55 */
56 itemTpl: [
57 '<div class="user">',
58 '<h3>{name}\'s orders:</h3>',
59 '<tpl for="orders">',
60 '<div class="order" style="padding: 0 0 10px 20px;">',
61 'Order: {id} ({status})',
62 '<ul>',
63 '<tpl for="orderItems">',
64 '<li>{quantity} x {name}</li>',
65 '</tpl>',
66 '</ul>',
67 '</div>',
68 '</tpl>',
69 '</div>'
70 ].join(''),
71 store: {
72 model: 'User',
73 autoDestroy: true
74 }
75 }]
76 });