]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blob - extjs/packages/ux/classic/src/FieldReplicator.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / packages / ux / classic / src / FieldReplicator.js
1 /**
2 * <p>A plugin for Field Components which creates clones of the Field for as
3 * long as the user keeps filling them. Leaving the final one blank ends the repeating series.</p>
4 * <p>Usage:</p>
5 * <pre><code>
6 {
7 xtype: 'combo',
8 plugins: [ Ext.ux.FieldReplicator ],
9 triggerAction: 'all',
10 fieldLabel: 'Select recipient',
11 store: recipientStore
12 }
13 * </code></pre>
14 */
15 Ext.define('Ext.ux.FieldReplicator', {
16 alias: 'plugin.fieldreplicator',
18 init: function(field) {
19 // Assign the field an id grouping it with fields cloned from it. If it already
20 // has an id that means it is itself a clone.
21 if (!field.replicatorId) {
22 field.replicatorId = Ext.id();
23 }
25 field.on('blur', this.onBlur, this);
26 },
28 onBlur: function(field) {
29 var ownerCt = field.ownerCt,
30 replicatorId = field.replicatorId,
31 isEmpty = Ext.isEmpty(field.getRawValue()),
32 siblings = ownerCt.query('[replicatorId=' + replicatorId + ']'),
33 isLastInGroup = siblings[siblings.length - 1] === field,
34 clone, idx;
36 // If a field before the final one was blanked out, remove it
37 if (isEmpty && !isLastInGroup) {
38 Ext.Function.defer(field.destroy, 10, field); //delay to allow tab key to move focus first
39 }
40 // If the field is the last in the list and has a value, add a cloned field after it
41 else if(!isEmpty && isLastInGroup) {
42 if (field.onReplicate) {
43 field.onReplicate();
44 }
45 clone = field.cloneConfig({replicatorId: replicatorId});
46 idx = ownerCt.items.indexOf(field);
47 ownerCt.add(idx + 1, clone);
48 }
49 }
51 });