]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_edk2.git/blob - AppPkg/Applications/Sockets/WebServer/Handles.c
Update the sockets applications
[mirror_edk2.git] / AppPkg / Applications / Sockets / WebServer / Handles.c
1 /*++
2 This file contains an 'Intel UEFI Application' and is
3 licensed for Intel CPUs and chipsets under the terms of your
4 license agreement with Intel or your vendor. This file may
5 be modified by the user, subject to additional terms of the
6 license agreement
7 --*/
8 /*++
10 Copyright (c) 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved
11 This software and associated documentation (if any) is furnished
12 under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance
13 with the terms of the license. Except as permitted by such
14 license, no part of this software or documentation may be
15 reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
16 form or by any means without the express written consent of
17 Intel Corporation.
19 --*/
21 /** @file
22 Display the handles in the system
24 **/
26 #include <WebServer.h>
29 /**
30 Respond with the handles in the system
32 @param [in] SocketFD The socket's file descriptor to add to the list.
33 @param [in] pPort The WSDT_PORT structure address
34 @param [out] pbDone Address to receive the request completion status
36 @retval EFI_SUCCESS The request was successfully processed
38 **/
40 HandlePage (
41 IN int SocketFD,
42 IN WSDT_PORT * pPort,
43 OUT BOOLEAN * pbDone
44 )
45 {
46 INTN Digit;
47 INTN Entries;
48 INTN Index;
49 UINTN GuidCount;
50 UINTN LengthInBytes;
51 UINT8 * pDigit;
52 EFI_HANDLE * pHandleArray;
53 EFI_HANDLE * pHandle;
54 EFI_HANDLE * pHandleEnd;
55 EFI_GUID ** ppGuidArray;
56 EFI_GUID ** ppGuid;
57 EFI_GUID ** ppGuidEnd;
58 INTN Shift;
59 EFI_STATUS Status;
60 UINTN Value;
61 CONST UINTN cDigit [] = {
62 3, 2, 1, 0, 5, 4, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
64 DBG_ENTER ( );
66 //
67 // Send the handles page
68 //
69 for ( ; ; ) {
70 //
71 // Send the page header
72 //
73 Status = HttpPageHeader ( SocketFD, pPort, L"Handle Database" );
74 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
75 break;
76 }
78 //
79 // Build the table header
80 //
81 Status = HttpSendAnsiString ( SocketFD,
82 pPort,
83 "<h1>Handle Database</h1>\r\n"
84 "<table border=\"1\">\r\n"
85 " <tr bgcolor=\"c0c0ff\"><th>Handle</th><th>Protocol Guids</th></tr>\r\n" );
86 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
87 break;
88 }
90 //
91 // Determine the number of handles in the database
92 //
93 LengthInBytes = 0;
94 Status = gBS->LocateHandle ( AllHandles,
95 NULL,
96 NULL,
97 &LengthInBytes,
98 NULL );
99 if ( EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == Status ) {
100 //
101 // Allocate space for the handles
102 //
103 Status = gBS->AllocatePool ( EfiRuntimeServicesData,
104 LengthInBytes,
105 (VOID **) &pHandleArray );
106 if ( !EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
107 //
108 // Get the list of handles
109 //
110 Status = gBS->LocateHandle ( AllHandles,
111 NULL,
112 NULL,
113 &LengthInBytes,
114 pHandleArray );
115 if ( !EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
116 Entries = LengthInBytes / sizeof ( *pHandleArray );
117 pHandle = pHandleArray;
118 pHandleEnd = &pHandle [ Entries ];
119 while ( pHandleEnd > pHandle ) {
120 //
121 // Build the table entry for this page
122 //
123 Status = HttpSendAnsiString ( SocketFD,
124 pPort,
125 "<tr><td><code>0x" );
126 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
127 break;
128 }
129 Value = (UINTN) *pHandle;
130 for ( Shift = ( sizeof ( Shift ) << 3 ) - 4; 0 <= Shift; Shift -= 4 ) {
131 //
132 // Convert the next address nibble to ANSI hex
133 //
134 Digit = (( Value >> Shift ) & 0xf ) | '0';
135 if ( '9' < Digit ) {
136 Digit += 'a' - '0' - 10;
137 }
139 //
140 // Display the address digit
141 //
142 Status = HttpSendByte ( SocketFD,
143 pPort,
144 (UINT8) Digit );
145 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
146 break;
147 }
148 }
149 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
150 break;
151 }
153 //
154 // Start the second column
155 //
156 Status = HttpSendAnsiString ( SocketFD,
157 pPort,
158 "</code></td><td><code>\r\n" );
159 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
160 break;
161 }
163 //
164 // Determine the number of protocols connected to this handle
165 //
166 Status = gBS->ProtocolsPerHandle ( *pHandle,
167 &ppGuidArray,
168 &GuidCount );
169 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
170 break;
171 }
172 ppGuid = ppGuidArray;
173 ppGuidEnd = &ppGuid [ GuidCount ];
174 while ( ppGuidEnd > ppGuid ) {
175 //
176 // Display the guid
177 //
178 pDigit = (UINT8 *) *ppGuid;
179 for ( Index = 0; 16 > Index; Index++ ) {
180 //
181 // Separate the portions of the GUID
182 // 99E87DCF-6162-40c5-9FA1-32111F5197F7
183 //
184 if (( 4 == Index )
185 || ( 6 == Index )
186 || ( 8 == Index )
187 || ( 10 == Index )) {
188 Status = HttpSendByte ( SocketFD,
189 pPort,
190 '-' );
191 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
192 break;
193 }
194 }
196 //
197 // Display the GUID digits
198 //
199 Value = pDigit [ cDigit [ Index ]];
200 for ( Shift = 4; 0 <= Shift; Shift -= 4 ) {
201 //
202 // Convert the next address nibble to ANSI hex
203 //
204 Digit = (( Value >> Shift ) & 0xf ) | '0';
205 if ( '9' < Digit ) {
206 Digit += 'a' - '0' - 10;
207 }
209 //
210 // Display the address digit
211 //
212 Status = HttpSendByte ( SocketFD,
213 pPort,
214 (UINT8) Digit );
215 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
216 break;
217 }
218 }
219 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
220 break;
221 }
222 }
224 //
225 // Separate each GUID
226 //
227 Status = HttpSendAnsiString ( SocketFD,
228 pPort,
229 "<br/>\r\n" );
230 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
231 break;
232 }
234 //
235 // Set the next protocol
236 //
237 ppGuid+= 1;
238 }
240 //
241 // Free the GUID array
242 //
243 gBS->FreePool ( ppGuidArray );
244 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
245 break;
246 }
248 //
249 // End the row
250 //
251 Status = HttpSendAnsiString ( SocketFD,
252 pPort,
253 "</code></td></tr>\r\n" );
254 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
255 break;
256 }
258 //
259 // Set the next handle
260 //
261 pHandle += 1;
262 }
263 }
265 //
266 // Done with the handle array
267 //
268 gBS->FreePool ( pHandleArray );
269 }
270 }
272 //
273 // Build the table trailer
274 //
275 Status = HttpSendAnsiString ( SocketFD,
276 pPort,
277 "</table>\r\n" );
278 if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
279 break;
280 }
282 //
283 // Send the page trailer
284 //
285 Status = HttpPageTrailer ( SocketFD, pPort, pbDone );
286 break;
287 }
289 //
290 // Return the operation status
291 //
292 DBG_EXIT_STATUS ( Status );
293 return Status;
294 }