]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_edk2.git/blob - BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/AutoGenWorker.py
BaseTools: Add the support for python 2
[mirror_edk2.git] / BaseTools / Source / Python / AutoGen / AutoGenWorker.py
1 ## @file
2 # Create makefile for MS nmake and GNU make
3 #
4 # Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 #
7 from __future__ import absolute_import
8 import multiprocessing as mp
9 import threading
10 from Common.Misc import PathClass
11 from AutoGen.ModuleAutoGen import ModuleAutoGen
12 from AutoGen.ModuleAutoGenHelper import WorkSpaceInfo,AutoGenInfo
13 import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData
14 import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
15 import os
16 from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
17 from AutoGen.AutoGen import AutoGen
18 from Workspace.WorkspaceDatabase import BuildDB
19 try:
20 from queue import Empty
21 except:
22 from Queue import Empty
23 import traceback
24 import sys
25 from AutoGen.DataPipe import MemoryDataPipe
26 def clearQ(q):
27 try:
28 while True:
29 q.get_nowait()
30 except Empty:
31 pass
32 import logging
34 class LogAgent(threading.Thread):
35 def __init__(self,log_q,log_level,log_file=None):
36 super(LogAgent,self).__init__()
37 self.log_q = log_q
38 self.log_level = log_level
39 self.log_file = log_file
40 def InitLogger(self):
41 # For DEBUG level (All DEBUG_0~9 are applicable)
42 self._DebugLogger_agent = logging.getLogger("tool_debug_agent")
43 _DebugFormatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)d]: %(message)s", datefmt="%H:%M:%S")
44 self._DebugLogger_agent.setLevel(self.log_level)
45 _DebugChannel = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
46 _DebugChannel.setFormatter(_DebugFormatter)
47 self._DebugLogger_agent.addHandler(_DebugChannel)
49 # For VERBOSE, INFO, WARN level
50 self._InfoLogger_agent = logging.getLogger("tool_info_agent")
51 _InfoFormatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")
52 self._InfoLogger_agent.setLevel(self.log_level)
53 _InfoChannel = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
54 _InfoChannel.setFormatter(_InfoFormatter)
55 self._InfoLogger_agent.addHandler(_InfoChannel)
57 # For ERROR level
58 self._ErrorLogger_agent = logging.getLogger("tool_error_agent")
59 _ErrorFormatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")
60 self._ErrorLogger_agent.setLevel(self.log_level)
61 _ErrorCh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
62 _ErrorCh.setFormatter(_ErrorFormatter)
63 self._ErrorLogger_agent.addHandler(_ErrorCh)
65 if self.log_file:
66 if os.path.exists(self.log_file):
67 os.remove(self.log_file)
68 _Ch = logging.FileHandler(self.log_file)
69 _Ch.setFormatter(_DebugFormatter)
70 self._DebugLogger_agent.addHandler(_Ch)
72 _Ch= logging.FileHandler(self.log_file)
73 _Ch.setFormatter(_InfoFormatter)
74 self._InfoLogger_agent.addHandler(_Ch)
76 _Ch = logging.FileHandler(self.log_file)
77 _Ch.setFormatter(_ErrorFormatter)
78 self._ErrorLogger_agent.addHandler(_Ch)
80 def run(self):
81 self.InitLogger()
82 while True:
83 log_message = self.log_q.get()
84 if log_message is None:
85 break
86 if log_message.name == "tool_error":
87 self._ErrorLogger_agent.log(log_message.levelno,log_message.getMessage())
88 elif log_message.name == "tool_info":
89 self._InfoLogger_agent.log(log_message.levelno,log_message.getMessage())
90 elif log_message.name == "tool_debug":
91 self._DebugLogger_agent.log(log_message.levelno,log_message.getMessage())
92 else:
93 self._InfoLogger_agent.log(log_message.levelno,log_message.getMessage())
95 def kill(self):
96 self.log_q.put(None)
97 class AutoGenManager(threading.Thread):
98 def __init__(self,autogen_workers, feedback_q,error_event):
99 super(AutoGenManager,self).__init__()
100 self.autogen_workers = autogen_workers
101 self.feedback_q = feedback_q
102 self.Status = True
103 self.error_event = error_event
104 def run(self):
105 try:
106 fin_num = 0
107 while True:
108 badnews = self.feedback_q.get()
109 if badnews is None:
110 break
111 if badnews == "Done":
112 fin_num += 1
113 else:
114 self.Status = False
115 self.TerminateWorkers()
116 if fin_num == len(self.autogen_workers):
117 self.clearQueue()
118 for w in self.autogen_workers:
119 w.join()
120 break
121 except Exception:
122 return
124 def clearQueue(self):
125 taskq = self.autogen_workers[0].module_queue
126 clearQ(taskq)
127 clearQ(self.feedback_q)
129 def TerminateWorkers(self):
130 self.error_event.set()
131 def kill(self):
132 self.feedback_q.put(None)
133 class AutoGenWorkerInProcess(mp.Process):
134 def __init__(self,module_queue,data_pipe_file_path,feedback_q,file_lock, share_data,log_q,error_event):
135 mp.Process.__init__(self)
136 self.module_queue = module_queue
137 self.data_pipe_file_path =data_pipe_file_path
138 self.data_pipe = None
139 self.feedback_q = feedback_q
140 self.PlatformMetaFileSet = {}
141 self.file_lock = file_lock
142 self.share_data = share_data
143 self.log_q = log_q
144 self.error_event = error_event
145 def GetPlatformMetaFile(self,filepath,root):
146 try:
147 return self.PlatformMetaFileSet[(filepath,root)]
148 except:
149 self.PlatformMetaFileSet[(filepath,root)] = filepath
150 return self.PlatformMetaFileSet[(filepath,root)]
151 def run(self):
152 try:
153 taskname = "Init"
154 with self.file_lock:
155 if not os.path.exists(self.data_pipe_file_path):
156 self.feedback_q.put(taskname + ":" + "load data pipe %s failed." % self.data_pipe_file_path)
157 self.data_pipe = MemoryDataPipe()
158 self.data_pipe.load(self.data_pipe_file_path)
159 EdkLogger.LogClientInitialize(self.log_q)
160 loglevel = self.data_pipe.Get("LogLevel")
161 if not loglevel:
162 loglevel = EdkLogger.INFO
163 EdkLogger.SetLevel(loglevel)
164 target = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("Target")
165 toolchain = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("ToolChain")
166 archlist = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("ArchList")
168 active_p = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("ActivePlatform")
169 workspacedir = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("WorkspaceDir")
170 PackagesPath = os.getenv("PACKAGES_PATH")
171 mws.setWs(workspacedir, PackagesPath)
172 self.Wa = WorkSpaceInfo(
173 workspacedir,active_p,target,toolchain,archlist
174 )
175 self.Wa._SrcTimeStamp = self.data_pipe.Get("Workspace_timestamp")
176 GlobalData.gGlobalDefines = self.data_pipe.Get("G_defines")
177 GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines = self.data_pipe.Get("CL_defines")
178 os.environ._data = self.data_pipe.Get("Env_Var")
179 GlobalData.gWorkspace = workspacedir
180 GlobalData.gDisableIncludePathCheck = False
181 GlobalData.gFdfParser = self.data_pipe.Get("FdfParser")
182 GlobalData.gDatabasePath = self.data_pipe.Get("DatabasePath")
183 pcd_from_build_option = []
184 for pcd_tuple in self.data_pipe.Get("BuildOptPcd"):
185 pcd_id = ".".join((pcd_tuple[0],pcd_tuple[1]))
186 if pcd_tuple[2].strip():
187 pcd_id = ".".join((pcd_id,pcd_tuple[2]))
188 pcd_from_build_option.append("=".join((pcd_id,pcd_tuple[3])))
189 GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd = pcd_from_build_option
190 module_count = 0
191 FfsCmd = self.data_pipe.Get("FfsCommand")
192 if FfsCmd is None:
193 FfsCmd = {}
194 PlatformMetaFile = self.GetPlatformMetaFile(self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("ActivePlatform"),
195 self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("WorkspaceDir"))
196 libConstPcd = self.data_pipe.Get("LibConstPcd")
197 Refes = self.data_pipe.Get("REFS")
198 while True:
199 if self.module_queue.empty():
200 break
201 if self.error_event.is_set():
202 break
203 module_count += 1
204 module_file,module_root,module_path,module_basename,module_originalpath,module_arch,IsLib = self.module_queue.get_nowait()
205 modulefullpath = os.path.join(module_root,module_file)
206 taskname = " : ".join((modulefullpath,module_arch))
207 module_metafile = PathClass(module_file,module_root)
208 if module_path:
209 module_metafile.Path = module_path
210 if module_basename:
211 module_metafile.BaseName = module_basename
212 if module_originalpath:
213 module_metafile.OriginalPath = PathClass(module_originalpath,module_root)
214 arch = module_arch
215 target = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("Target")
216 toolchain = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("ToolChain")
217 Ma = ModuleAutoGen(self.Wa,module_metafile,target,toolchain,arch,PlatformMetaFile,self.data_pipe)
218 Ma.IsLibrary = IsLib
219 if IsLib:
220 if (Ma.MetaFile.File,Ma.MetaFile.Root,Ma.Arch,Ma.MetaFile.Path) in libConstPcd:
221 Ma.ConstPcd = libConstPcd[(Ma.MetaFile.File,Ma.MetaFile.Root,Ma.Arch,Ma.MetaFile.Path)]
222 if (Ma.MetaFile.File,Ma.MetaFile.Root,Ma.Arch,Ma.MetaFile.Path) in Refes:
223 Ma.ReferenceModules = Refes[(Ma.MetaFile.File,Ma.MetaFile.Root,Ma.Arch,Ma.MetaFile.Path)]
224 Ma.CreateCodeFile(False)
225 Ma.CreateMakeFile(False,GenFfsList=FfsCmd.get((Ma.MetaFile.File, Ma.Arch),[]))
226 except Empty:
227 pass
228 except:
229 traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
230 self.feedback_q.put(taskname)
231 finally:
232 self.feedback_q.put("Done")
233 def printStatus(self):
234 print("Processs ID: %d Run %d modules in AutoGen " % (os.getpid(),len(AutoGen.Cache())))
235 print("Processs ID: %d Run %d modules in AutoGenInfo " % (os.getpid(),len(AutoGenInfo.GetCache())))
236 groupobj = {}
237 for buildobj in BuildDB.BuildObject.GetCache().values():
238 if str(buildobj).lower().endswith("dec"):
239 try:
240 groupobj['dec'].append(str(buildobj))
241 except:
242 groupobj['dec'] = [str(buildobj)]
243 if str(buildobj).lower().endswith("dsc"):
244 try:
245 groupobj['dsc'].append(str(buildobj))
246 except:
247 groupobj['dsc'] = [str(buildobj)]
249 if str(buildobj).lower().endswith("inf"):
250 try:
251 groupobj['inf'].append(str(buildobj))
252 except:
253 groupobj['inf'] = [str(buildobj)]
255 print("Processs ID: %d Run %d pkg in WDB " % (os.getpid(),len(groupobj.get("dec",[]))))
256 print("Processs ID: %d Run %d pla in WDB " % (os.getpid(),len(groupobj.get("dsc",[]))))
257 print("Processs ID: %d Run %d inf in WDB " % (os.getpid(),len(groupobj.get("inf",[]))))