]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_edk2.git/blob - BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/IncludesAutoGen.py
BaseTools:build failure in CLANGPDB tool chain
[mirror_edk2.git] / BaseTools / Source / Python / AutoGen / IncludesAutoGen.py
1 ## @file
2 # Build cache intermediate result and state
3 #
4 # Copyright (c) 2019 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 # Copyright (c) 2020, ARM Limited. All rights reserved.<BR>
6 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 #
8 from Common.caching import cached_property
9 import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
10 import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
11 from Common.BuildToolError import *
12 from Common.Misc import SaveFileOnChange, PathClass
13 from Common.Misc import TemplateString
14 import sys
15 gIsFileMap = {}
17 DEP_FILE_TAIL = "# Updated \n"
19 class IncludesAutoGen():
20 """ This class is to manage the dependent files witch are used in Makefile to support incremental build.
21 1. C files:
22 1. MSVS.
23 cl.exe has a build option /showIncludes to display include files on stdout. Build tool captures
24 that messages and generate dependency files, .deps files.
25 2. CLANG and GCC
26 -MMD -MF build option are used to generate dependency files by compiler. Build tool updates the
27 .deps files.
28 2. ASL files:
29 1. Trim find out all the included files with asl specific include format and generate .trim.deps file.
30 2. ASL PP use c preprocessor to find out all included files with #include format and generate a .deps file
31 3. build tool updates the .deps file
32 3. ASM files (.asm, .s or .nasm):
33 1. Trim find out all the included files with asl specific include format and generate .trim.deps file.
34 2. ASM PP use c preprocessor to find out all included files with #include format and generate a deps file
35 3. build tool updates the .deps file
36 """
37 def __init__(self, makefile_folder, ModuleAuto):
38 self.d_folder = makefile_folder
39 self.makefile_folder = makefile_folder
40 self.module_autogen = ModuleAuto
41 self.ToolChainFamily = ModuleAuto.ToolChainFamily
42 self.workspace = ModuleAuto.WorkspaceDir
44 def CreateModuleDeps(self):
45 SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(self.makefile_folder,"deps.txt"),"\n".join(self.DepsCollection),False)
47 def CreateDepsInclude(self):
48 deps_file = {'deps_file':self.deps_files}
50 MakePath = self.module_autogen.BuildOption.get('MAKE', {}).get('PATH')
51 if not MakePath:
52 EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_MISSING, Message="No Make path available.")
53 elif "nmake" in MakePath:
54 _INCLUDE_DEPS_TEMPLATE = TemplateString('''
55 ${BEGIN}
56 !IF EXIST(${deps_file})
57 !INCLUDE ${deps_file}
59 ${END}
60 ''')
61 else:
62 _INCLUDE_DEPS_TEMPLATE = TemplateString('''
63 ${BEGIN}
64 -include ${deps_file}
65 ${END}
66 ''')
68 try:
69 deps_include_str = _INCLUDE_DEPS_TEMPLATE.Replace(deps_file)
70 except Exception as e:
71 print(e)
72 SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(self.makefile_folder,"dependency"),deps_include_str,False)
74 def CreateDepsTarget(self):
75 SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(self.makefile_folder,"deps_target"),"\n".join([item +":" for item in self.DepsCollection]),False)
77 @cached_property
78 def deps_files(self):
79 """ Get all .deps file under module build folder. """
80 deps_files = []
81 for root, _, files in os.walk(self.d_folder, topdown=False):
82 for name in files:
83 if not name.endswith(".deps"):
84 continue
85 abspath = os.path.join(root, name)
86 deps_files.append(abspath)
87 return deps_files
89 @cached_property
90 def DepsCollection(self):
91 """ Collect all the dependency files list from all .deps files under a module's build folder """
92 includes = set()
93 targetname = [item[0].Name for item in self.TargetFileList.values()]
94 for abspath in self.deps_files:
95 try:
96 with open(abspath,"r") as fd:
97 lines = fd.readlines()
99 firstlineitems = lines[0].split(": ")
100 dependency_file = firstlineitems[1].strip(" \\\n")
101 dependency_file = dependency_file.strip('''"''')
102 if dependency_file:
103 if os.path.normpath(dependency_file +".deps") == abspath:
104 continue
105 filename = os.path.basename(dependency_file).strip()
106 if filename not in self.SourceFileList and filename not in targetname:
107 includes.add(dependency_file.strip())
109 for item in lines[1:]:
110 if item == DEP_FILE_TAIL:
111 continue
112 dependency_file = item.strip(" \\\n")
113 dependency_file = dependency_file.strip('''"''')
114 if dependency_file == '':
115 continue
116 if os.path.normpath(dependency_file +".deps") == abspath:
117 continue
118 filename = os.path.basename(dependency_file).strip()
119 if filename in self.SourceFileList:
120 continue
121 if filename in targetname:
122 continue
123 includes.add(dependency_file.strip())
124 except Exception as e:
125 EdkLogger.error("build",FILE_NOT_FOUND, "%s doesn't exist" % abspath, ExtraData=str(e), RaiseError=False)
126 continue
127 rt = sorted(list(set([item.strip(' " \\\n') for item in includes])))
128 return rt
130 @cached_property
131 def SourceFileList(self):
132 """ Get a map of module's source files name to module's source files path """
133 source = {os.path.basename(item.File):item.Path for item in self.module_autogen.SourceFileList}
134 middle_file = {}
135 for afile in source:
136 if afile.upper().endswith(".VFR"):
137 middle_file.update({afile.split(".")[0]+".c":os.path.join(self.module_autogen.DebugDir,afile.split(".")[0]+".c")})
138 if afile.upper().endswith((".S","ASM")):
139 middle_file.update({afile.split(".")[0]+".i":os.path.join(self.module_autogen.OutputDir,afile.split(".")[0]+".i")})
140 if afile.upper().endswith(".ASL"):
141 middle_file.update({afile.split(".")[0]+".i":os.path.join(self.module_autogen.OutputDir,afile.split(".")[0]+".i")})
142 source.update({"AutoGen.c":os.path.join(self.module_autogen.OutputDir,"AutoGen.c")})
143 source.update(middle_file)
144 return source
146 @cached_property
147 def HasNamesakeSourceFile(self):
148 source_base_name = set([os.path.basename(item.File) for item in self.module_autogen.SourceFileList])
149 rt = len(source_base_name) != len(self.module_autogen.SourceFileList)
150 return rt
151 @cached_property
152 def CcPPCommandPathSet(self):
153 rt = set()
154 rt.add(self.module_autogen.BuildOption.get('CC',{}).get('PATH'))
155 rt.add(self.module_autogen.BuildOption.get('ASLCC',{}).get('PATH'))
156 rt.add(self.module_autogen.BuildOption.get('ASLPP',{}).get('PATH'))
157 rt.add(self.module_autogen.BuildOption.get('VFRPP',{}).get('PATH'))
158 rt.add(self.module_autogen.BuildOption.get('PP',{}).get('PATH'))
159 rt.add(self.module_autogen.BuildOption.get('APP',{}).get('PATH'))
160 rt.discard(None)
161 return rt
162 @cached_property
163 def TargetFileList(self):
164 """ Get a map of module's target name to a tuple of module's targets path and whose input file path """
165 targets = {}
166 targets["AutoGen.obj"] = (PathClass(os.path.join(self.module_autogen.OutputDir,"AutoGen.obj")),PathClass(os.path.join(self.module_autogen.DebugDir,"AutoGen.c")))
167 for item in self.module_autogen.Targets.values():
168 for block in item:
169 targets[block.Target.Path] = (block.Target,block.Inputs[0])
170 return targets
172 def GetRealTarget(self,source_file_abs):
173 """ Get the final target file based on source file abspath """
174 source_target_map = {item[1].Path:item[0].Path for item in self.TargetFileList.values()}
175 source_name_map = {item[1].File:item[0].Path for item in self.TargetFileList.values()}
176 target_abs = source_target_map.get(source_file_abs)
177 if target_abs is None:
178 if source_file_abs.strip().endswith(".i"):
179 sourcefilename = os.path.basename(source_file_abs.strip())
180 for sourcefile in source_name_map:
181 if sourcefilename.split(".")[0] == sourcefile.split(".")[0]:
182 target_abs = source_name_map[sourcefile]
183 break
184 else:
185 target_abs = source_file_abs
186 else:
187 target_abs = source_file_abs
188 return target_abs
190 def CreateDepsFileForMsvc(self, DepList):
191 """ Generate dependency files, .deps file from /showIncludes output message """
192 if not DepList:
193 return
194 ModuleDepDict = {}
195 current_source = ""
196 SourceFileAbsPathMap = self.SourceFileList
197 for line in DepList:
198 line = line.strip()
199 if self.HasNamesakeSourceFile:
200 for cc_cmd in self.CcPPCommandPathSet:
201 if cc_cmd in line:
202 if '''"'''+cc_cmd+'''"''' in line:
203 cc_options = line[len(cc_cmd)+2:].split()
204 else:
205 cc_options = line[len(cc_cmd):].split()
206 SourceFileAbsPathMap = {os.path.basename(item):item for item in cc_options if not item.startswith("/") and os.path.exists(item)}
207 if line in SourceFileAbsPathMap:
208 current_source = line
209 if current_source not in ModuleDepDict:
210 ModuleDepDict[SourceFileAbsPathMap[current_source]] = []
211 elif "Note: including file:" == line.lstrip()[:21]:
212 if not current_source:
213 EdkLogger.error("build",BUILD_ERROR, "Parse /showIncludes output failed. line: %s. \n" % line, RaiseError=False)
214 else:
215 ModuleDepDict[SourceFileAbsPathMap[current_source]].append(line.lstrip()[22:].strip())
217 for source_abs in ModuleDepDict:
218 if ModuleDepDict[source_abs]:
219 target_abs = self.GetRealTarget(source_abs)
220 dep_file_name = os.path.basename(source_abs) + ".deps"
221 SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(target_abs),dep_file_name)," \\\n".join([target_abs+":"] + ['''"''' + item +'''"''' for item in ModuleDepDict[source_abs]]),False)
223 def UpdateDepsFileforNonMsvc(self):
224 """ Update .deps files.
225 1. Update target path to absolute path.
226 2. Update middle target to final target.
227 """
229 for abspath in self.deps_files:
230 if abspath.endswith(".trim.deps"):
231 continue
232 try:
233 newcontent = []
234 with open(abspath,"r") as fd:
235 lines = fd.readlines()
236 if lines[-1] == DEP_FILE_TAIL:
237 continue
238 firstlineitems = lines[0].strip().split(" ")
240 if len(firstlineitems) > 2:
241 sourceitem = firstlineitems[1]
242 else:
243 sourceitem = lines[1].strip().split(" ")[0]
245 source_abs = self.SourceFileList.get(sourceitem,sourceitem)
246 firstlineitems[0] = self.GetRealTarget(source_abs)
247 p_target = firstlineitems
248 if not p_target[0].strip().endswith(":"):
249 p_target[0] += ": "
251 if len(p_target) == 2:
252 p_target[0] += lines[1]
253 newcontent.append(p_target[0])
254 newcontent.extend(lines[2:])
255 else:
256 line1 = " ".join(p_target).strip()
257 line1 += "\n"
258 newcontent.append(line1)
259 newcontent.extend(lines[1:])
261 newcontent.append("\n")
262 newcontent.append(DEP_FILE_TAIL)
263 with open(abspath,"w") as fw:
264 fw.write("".join(newcontent))
265 except Exception as e:
266 EdkLogger.error("build",FILE_NOT_FOUND, "%s doesn't exist" % abspath, ExtraData=str(e), RaiseError=False)
267 continue
269 def UpdateDepsFileforTrim(self):
270 """ Update .deps file which generated by trim. """
272 for abspath in self.deps_files:
273 if not abspath.endswith(".trim.deps"):
274 continue
275 try:
276 newcontent = []
277 with open(abspath,"r") as fd:
278 lines = fd.readlines()
279 if lines[-1] == DEP_FILE_TAIL:
280 continue
282 source_abs = lines[0].strip().split(" ")[0]
283 targetitem = self.GetRealTarget(source_abs.strip(" :"))
285 targetitem += ": "
286 targetitem += lines[1]
287 newcontent.append(targetitem)
288 newcontent.extend(lines[2:])
289 newcontent.append("\n")
290 newcontent.append(DEP_FILE_TAIL)
291 with open(abspath,"w") as fw:
292 fw.write("".join(newcontent))
293 except Exception as e:
294 EdkLogger.error("build",FILE_NOT_FOUND, "%s doesn't exist" % abspath, ExtraData=str(e), RaiseError=False)
295 continue