]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_edk2.git/commitdiff
Update the INF file name based on the directory name change.
authorqwang12 <qwang12@6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524>
Wed, 21 Jan 2009 10:13:20 +0000 (10:13 +0000)
committerqwang12 <qwang12@6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524>
Wed, 21 Jan 2009 10:13:20 +0000 (10:13 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2@7336 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524

EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/FvOnFv2Thunk/FvOnFv2Thunk.c [new file with mode: 0644]
EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/FvOnFv2Thunk/FvOnFv2Thunk.inf [new file with mode: 0644]
EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/FvOnFv2Thunk/FvToFv2Thunk.c [deleted file]
EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/FvOnFv2Thunk/FvToFv2Thunk.inf [deleted file]

diff --git a/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/FvOnFv2Thunk/FvOnFv2Thunk.c b/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/FvOnFv2Thunk/FvOnFv2Thunk.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ff4165d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+/** @file\r
+UEFI PI specification supersedes Inte's Framework Specification.\r
+EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_PROTOCOL defined in Intel Framework Pkg is replaced by\r
+This module produces FV on top of FV2. This module is used on platform when both of\r
+these two conditions are true:\r
+1) Framework module consuming FV is present\r
+2) And the platform only produces FV2\r
+Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008 Intel Corporation. <BR>\r
+All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials\r
+are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License\r
+which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at\r
+Module Name:\r
+#include <PiDxe.h>\r
+#include <Protocol/FirmwareVolume2.h>\r
+#include <Protocol/FirmwareVolume.h>\r
+#include <Library/BaseLib.h>\r
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>\r
+#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>\r
+#include <Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint.h>\r
+#include <Library/UefiLib.h>\r
+#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>\r
+  Retrieves attributes, insures positive polarity of attribute bits, returns\r
+  resulting attributes in output parameter\r
+  @param  This                  Calling context\r
+  @param  Attributes            output buffer which contains attributes\r
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
+FvGetVolumeAttributes (\r
+  );\r
+  Sets volume attributes\r
+  @param  This                  Calling context\r
+  @param  Attributes            Buffer which contains attributes\r
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
+FvSetVolumeAttributes (\r
+  );\r
+  Read the requested file (NameGuid) and returns data in Buffer.\r
+  @param  This                  Calling context\r
+  @param  NameGuid              Filename identifying which file to read\r
+  @param  Buffer                Pointer to pointer to buffer in which contents of file are returned.\r
+                                <br>\r
+                                If Buffer is NULL, only type, attributes, and size are returned as\r
+                                there is no output buffer.\r
+                                <br>\r
+                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer == NULL, the output buffer is allocated\r
+                                from BS pool by ReadFile\r
+                                <br>\r
+                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer != NULL, the output buffer has been\r
+                                allocated by the caller and is being passed in.\r
+  @param  BufferSize            Indicates the buffer size passed in, and on output the size\r
+                                required to complete the read\r
+  @param  FoundType             Indicates the type of the file who's data is returned\r
+  @param  FileAttributes        Indicates the attributes of the file who's data is resturned\r
+  @param  AuthenticationStatus  Indicates the authentication status of the data\r
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
+  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED\r
+FvReadFile (\r
+  IN EFI_GUID                       *NameGuid,\r
+  IN OUT VOID                       **Buffer,\r
+  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,\r
+  OUT EFI_FV_FILETYPE               *FoundType,\r
+  OUT EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES        *FileAttributes,\r
+  OUT UINT32                        *AuthenticationStatus\r
+  );\r
+  Read the requested section from the specified file and returns data in Buffer.\r
+  @param  This                  Calling context\r
+  @param  NameGuid              Filename identifying the file from which to read\r
+  @param  SectionType           Indicates what section type to retrieve\r
+  @param  SectionInstance       Indicates which instance of SectionType to retrieve\r
+  @param  Buffer                Pointer to pointer to buffer in which contents of file are returned.\r
+                                <br>\r
+                                If Buffer is NULL, only type, attributes, and size are returned as\r
+                                there is no output buffer.\r
+                                <br>\r
+                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer == NULL, the output buffer is allocated\r
+                                from BS pool by ReadFile\r
+                                <br>\r
+                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer != NULL, the output buffer has been\r
+                                allocated by the caller and is being passed in.\r
+  @param  BufferSize            Indicates the buffer size passed in, and on output the size\r
+                                required to complete the read\r
+  @param  AuthenticationStatus  Indicates the authentication status of the data\r
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
+  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED\r
+FvReadSection (\r
+  IN EFI_GUID                       *NameGuid,\r
+  IN EFI_SECTION_TYPE               SectionType,\r
+  IN UINTN                          SectionInstance,\r
+  IN OUT VOID                       **Buffer,\r
+  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,\r
+  OUT UINT32                        *AuthenticationStatus\r
+  );\r
+  Write the supplied file (NameGuid) to the FV.\r
+  @param  This                  Calling context\r
+  @param  NumberOfFiles         Indicates the number of file records pointed to by FileData\r
+  @param  WritePolicy           Indicates the level of reliability of the write with respect to\r
+                                things like power failure events.\r
+  @param  FileData              A pointer to an array of EFI_FV_WRITE_FILE_DATA structures. Each\r
+                                element in the array indicates a file to write, and there are\r
+                                NumberOfFiles elements in the input array.\r
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
+FvWriteFile (\r
+  IN UINT32                            NumberOfFiles,\r
+  );\r
+  Given the input key, search for the next matching file in the volume.\r
+  @param  This                  Calling context\r
+  @param  Key                   Pointer to a caller allocated buffer that contains an implementation\r
+                                specific key that is used to track where to begin searching on\r
+                                successive calls.\r
+  @param  FileType              Indicates the file type to filter for\r
+  @param  NameGuid              Guid filename of the file found\r
+  @param  Attributes            Attributes of the file found\r
+  @param  Size                  Size in bytes of the file found\r
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
+  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED\r
+FvGetNextFile (\r
+  IN OUT VOID                       *Key,\r
+  IN OUT EFI_FV_FILETYPE            *FileType,\r
+  OUT EFI_GUID                      *NameGuid,\r
+  OUT EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES        *Attributes,\r
+  OUT UINTN                         *Size\r
+  );\r
+typedef struct {\r
+  UINTN                          Signature;\r
+// Firmware Volume Protocol template\r
+EFI_EVENT  mFvRegistration;\r
+FIRMWARE_VOLUME_PRIVATE_DATA gFirmwareVolumePrivateDataTemplate = {\r
+  {\r
+    FvGetVolumeAttributes,\r
+    FvSetVolumeAttributes,\r
+    FvReadFile,\r
+    FvReadSection,\r
+    FvWriteFile,\r
+    FvGetNextFile,\r
+    0,\r
+    NULL\r
+  },\r
+  NULL\r
+// Module globals\r
+FvNotificationEvent (\r
+  IN  EFI_EVENT       Event,\r
+  IN  VOID            *Context\r
+  )\r
+  EFI_STATUS                    Status;\r
+  UINTN                         BufferSize;\r
+  EFI_HANDLE                    Handle;\r
+  while (TRUE) {\r
+    BufferSize = sizeof (Handle);\r
+    Status = gBS->LocateHandle (\r
+                    ByRegisterNotify,\r
+                    &gEfiFirmwareVolume2ProtocolGuid,\r
+                    mFvRegistration,\r
+                    &BufferSize,\r
+                    &Handle\r
+                    );\r
+    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {\r
+      //\r
+      // Exit Path of While Loop....\r
+      //\r
+      break;\r
+    }\r
+    //\r
+    // Skip this handle if the Firmware Volume Protocol is already installed\r
+    //\r
+    Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (\r
+                    Handle,\r
+                    &gEfiFirmwareVolumeProtocolGuid,\r
+                    (VOID **)&FirmwareVolume\r
+                    );\r
+    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {\r
+      continue;\r
+    }\r
+    //\r
+    // Allocate private data structure\r
+    //\r
+    Private = AllocateCopyPool (sizeof (FIRMWARE_VOLUME_PRIVATE_DATA), &gFirmwareVolumePrivateDataTemplate);\r
+    if (Private == NULL) {\r
+      continue;\r
+    }\r
+    //\r
+    // Retrieve the Firmware Volume2 Protocol\r
+    //\r
+    Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (\r
+                    Handle,\r
+                    &gEfiFirmwareVolume2ProtocolGuid,\r
+                    (VOID **)&Private->FirmwareVolume2\r
+                    );\r
+    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);\r
+    //\r
+    // Fill in rest of private data structure\r
+    //\r
+    Private->FirmwareVolume.KeySize      = Private->FirmwareVolume2->KeySize;\r
+    Private->FirmwareVolume.ParentHandle = Private->FirmwareVolume2->ParentHandle;\r
+    //\r
+    // Install Firmware Volume Protocol onto same handle\r
+    //\r
+    Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (\r
+                    &Handle,\r
+                    &gEfiFirmwareVolumeProtocolGuid,\r
+                    &Private->FirmwareVolume,\r
+                    NULL\r
+                    );\r
+    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);\r
+  }\r
+  The user Entry Point for DXE driver. The user code starts with this function\r
+  as the real entry point for the image goes into a library that calls this \r
+  function.\r
+  @param[in] ImageHandle    The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.  \r
+  @param[in] SystemTable    A pointer to the EFI System Table.\r
+  \r
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The entry point is executed successfully.\r
+  @retval other             Some error occurs when executing this entry point.\r
+InitializeFirmwareVolume2 (\r
+  IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,\r
+  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable\r
+  )\r
+  EfiCreateProtocolNotifyEvent (\r
+    &gEfiFirmwareVolume2ProtocolGuid,\r
+    FvNotificationEvent,\r
+    NULL,\r
+    &mFvRegistration\r
+    );\r
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;\r
+  Convert FV attrbiutes to FV2 attributes.\r
+  @param Fv2Attributes FV2 attributes.\r
+  @return FV attributes.\r
+Fv2AttributesToFvAttributes (\r
+  IN  EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES Fv2Attributes\r
+  )\r
+  //\r
+  // Clear those filed that is not defined in Framework FV spec and Alignment conversion.\r
+  //\r
+  return (Fv2Attributes & 0x1ff) | ((UINTN) EFI_FV_ALIGNMENT_2 << RShiftU64((Fv2Attributes & EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT), 16));\r
+  Retrieves attributes, insures positive polarity of attribute bits, returns\r
+  resulting attributes in output parameter\r
+  @param  This                  Calling context\r
+  @param  Attributes            output buffer which contains attributes\r
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
+FvGetVolumeAttributes (\r
+  )\r
+  EFI_STATUS                     Status;\r
+  FirmwareVolume2 = Private->FirmwareVolume2;\r
+  Status = FirmwareVolume2->GetVolumeAttributes (\r
+                              FirmwareVolume2,\r
+                              Attributes\r
+                              );\r
+  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {\r
+    *Attributes = Fv2AttributesToFvAttributes (*Attributes);\r
+  }\r
+  return Status;\r
+  Sets volume attributes\r
+  @param  This                  Calling context\r
+  @param  Attributes            Buffer which contains attributes\r
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
+FvSetVolumeAttributes (\r
+  )\r
+  EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES              Fv2Attributes; \r
+  EFI_STATUS                     Status;\r
+  FirmwareVolume2 = Private->FirmwareVolume2;\r
+  Fv2Attributes = (*Attributes & 0x1ff);\r
+  Status = FirmwareVolume2->SetVolumeAttributes (\r
+                            FirmwareVolume2,\r
+                            &Fv2Attributes\r
+                            );\r
+  *Attributes = Fv2AttributesToFvAttributes (Fv2Attributes);\r
+  \r
+  return Status;\r
+  Read the requested file (NameGuid) and returns data in Buffer.\r
+  @param  This                  Calling context\r
+  @param  NameGuid              Filename identifying which file to read\r
+  @param  Buffer                Pointer to pointer to buffer in which contents of file are returned.\r
+                                <br>\r
+                                If Buffer is NULL, only type, attributes, and size are returned as\r
+                                there is no output buffer.\r
+                                <br>\r
+                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer == NULL, the output buffer is allocated\r
+                                from BS pool by ReadFile\r
+                                <br>\r
+                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer != NULL, the output buffer has been\r
+                                allocated by the caller and is being passed in.\r
+  @param  BufferSize            Indicates the buffer size passed in, and on output the size\r
+                                required to complete the read\r
+  @param  FoundType             Indicates the type of the file who's data is returned\r
+  @param  FileAttributes        Indicates the attributes of the file who's data is resturned\r
+  @param  AuthenticationStatus  Indicates the authentication status of the data\r
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
+  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED\r
+FvReadFile (\r
+  IN EFI_GUID                       *NameGuid,\r
+  IN OUT VOID                       **Buffer,\r
+  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,\r
+  OUT EFI_FV_FILETYPE               *FoundType,\r
+  OUT EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES        *FileAttributes,\r
+  OUT UINT32                        *AuthenticationStatus\r
+  )\r
+  EFI_STATUS                     Status;\r
+  FirmwareVolume2 = Private->FirmwareVolume2;\r
+  Status = FirmwareVolume2->ReadFile (\r
+                            FirmwareVolume2,\r
+                            NameGuid,\r
+                            Buffer,\r
+                            BufferSize,\r
+                            FoundType,\r
+                            FileAttributes,\r
+                            AuthenticationStatus\r
+                            );\r
+  //\r
+  // For Framework FV attrbutes, only alignment fields are valid.\r
+  //\r
+  *FileAttributes = *FileAttributes & EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIB_ALIGNMENT;\r
+  \r
+  return Status;\r
+  Read the requested section from the specified file and returns data in Buffer.\r
+  @param  This                  Calling context\r
+  @param  NameGuid              Filename identifying the file from which to read\r
+  @param  SectionType           Indicates what section type to retrieve\r
+  @param  SectionInstance       Indicates which instance of SectionType to retrieve\r
+  @param  Buffer                Pointer to pointer to buffer in which contents of file are returned.\r
+                                <br>\r
+                                If Buffer is NULL, only type, attributes, and size are returned as\r
+                                there is no output buffer.\r
+                                <br>\r
+                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer == NULL, the output buffer is allocated\r
+                                from BS pool by ReadFile\r
+                                <br>\r
+                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer != NULL, the output buffer has been\r
+                                allocated by the caller and is being passed in.\r
+  @param  BufferSize            Indicates the buffer size passed in, and on output the size\r
+                                required to complete the read\r
+  @param  AuthenticationStatus  Indicates the authentication status of the data\r
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
+  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED\r
+FvReadSection (\r
+  IN EFI_GUID                       *NameGuid,\r
+  IN EFI_SECTION_TYPE               SectionType,\r
+  IN UINTN                          SectionInstance,\r
+  IN OUT VOID                       **Buffer,\r
+  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,\r
+  OUT UINT32                        *AuthenticationStatus\r
+  )\r
+  FirmwareVolume2 = Private->FirmwareVolume2;\r
+  return FirmwareVolume2->ReadSection (\r
+                            FirmwareVolume2,\r
+                            NameGuid,\r
+                            SectionType,\r
+                            SectionInstance,\r
+                            Buffer,\r
+                            BufferSize,\r
+                            AuthenticationStatus\r
+                            );\r
+  Write the supplied file (NameGuid) to the FV.\r
+  @param  This                  Calling context\r
+  @param  NumberOfFiles         Indicates the number of file records pointed to by FileData\r
+  @param  WritePolicy           Indicates the level of reliability of the write with respect to\r
+                                things like power failure events.\r
+  @param  FileData              A pointer to an array of EFI_FV_WRITE_FILE_DATA structures. Each\r
+                                element in the array indicates a file to write, and there are\r
+                                NumberOfFiles elements in the input array.\r
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
+FvWriteFile (\r
+  IN UINT32                            NumberOfFiles,\r
+  )\r
+  EFI_FV_WRITE_FILE_DATA         *PiFileData;\r
+  EFI_STATUS                     Status;\r
+  UINTN                          Index;\r
+  FirmwareVolume2 = Private->FirmwareVolume2;\r
+  PiFileData = AllocateCopyPool (sizeof (EFI_FV_WRITE_FILE_DATA), FileData);\r
+  //\r
+  // Framework Spec assume firmware files are Memory-Mapped.\r
+  //\r
+  for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfFiles; Index++) {\r
+    PiFileData[Index].FileAttributes |= EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIB_MEMORY_MAPPED;\r
+  }\r
+  Status = FirmwareVolume2->WriteFile (\r
+                            FirmwareVolume2,\r
+                            NumberOfFiles,\r
+                            WritePolicy,\r
+                            (EFI_FV_WRITE_FILE_DATA *)FileData\r
+                            );\r
+  FreePool (PiFileData);\r
+  return Status;\r
+  Given the input key, search for the next matching file in the volume.\r
+  @param  This                  Calling context\r
+  @param  Key                   Pointer to a caller allocated buffer that contains an implementation\r
+                                specific key that is used to track where to begin searching on\r
+                                successive calls.\r
+  @param  FileType              Indicates the file type to filter for\r
+  @param  NameGuid              Guid filename of the file found\r
+  @param  Attributes            Attributes of the file found\r
+  @param  Size                  Size in bytes of the file found\r
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
+  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED\r
+FvGetNextFile (\r
+  IN OUT VOID                       *Key,\r
+  IN OUT EFI_FV_FILETYPE            *FileType,\r
+  OUT EFI_GUID                      *NameGuid,\r
+  OUT EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES        *Attributes,\r
+  OUT UINTN                         *Size\r
+  )\r
+  EFI_STATUS                     Status;\r
+  FirmwareVolume2 = Private->FirmwareVolume2;\r
+  Status = FirmwareVolume2->GetNextFile (\r
+                            FirmwareVolume2,\r
+                            Key,\r
+                            FileType,\r
+                            NameGuid,\r
+                            Attributes,\r
+                            Size\r
+                            );\r
+  //\r
+  // For Framework FV attrbutes, only alignment fields are valid.\r
+  //\r
+  *Attributes = *Attributes & EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIB_ALIGNMENT;\r
+  \r
+  return Status;\r
diff --git a/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/FvOnFv2Thunk/FvOnFv2Thunk.inf b/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/FvOnFv2Thunk/FvOnFv2Thunk.inf
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0f9299a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#/** @file\r
+# Module produce FV on top of FV2.\r
+# UEFI PI specification supersedes Inte's Framework Specification.\r
+# EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_PROTOCOL defined in Intel Framework Pkg is replaced by\r
+# This module produces FV on top of FV2. This module is used on platform when both of\r
+# these two conditions are true:\r
+# 1) Framework module consuming FV is present\r
+# 2) And the platform only produces FV2\r
+# Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Intel Corporation\r
+#  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials\r
+#  are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License\r
+#  which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at\r
+#  http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php\r
+  INF_VERSION                    = 0x00010005\r
+  BASE_NAME                      = FvOnFv2Thunk\r
+  FILE_GUID                      = 5007A40E-A5E0-44f7-86AE-662F9A91DA26\r
+  MODULE_TYPE                    = DXE_DRIVER\r
+  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0\r
+  EDK_RELEASE_VERSION            = 0x00020000\r
+  EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION      = 0x00020000\r
+  ENTRY_POINT                    = InitializeFirmwareVolume2\r
+# The following information is for reference only and not required by the build tools.\r
+#  VALID_ARCHITECTURES           = IA32 X64 IPF EBC\r
+  FvOnFv2Thunk.c\r
+  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec\r
+  IntelFrameworkPkg/IntelFrameworkPkg.dec\r
+  UefiDriverEntryPoint\r
+  UefiBootServicesTableLib\r
+  BaseLib\r
+  DebugLib\r
+  UefiLib\r
+  MemoryAllocationLib\r
+  gEfiFirmwareVolume2ProtocolGuid\r
+  gEfiFirmwareVolumeProtocolGuid\r
+  TRUE\r
diff --git a/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/FvOnFv2Thunk/FvToFv2Thunk.c b/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/FvOnFv2Thunk/FvToFv2Thunk.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ff4165d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,670 +0,0 @@
-/** @file\r
-UEFI PI specification supersedes Inte's Framework Specification.\r
-EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_PROTOCOL defined in Intel Framework Pkg is replaced by\r
-This module produces FV on top of FV2. This module is used on platform when both of\r
-these two conditions are true:\r
-1) Framework module consuming FV is present\r
-2) And the platform only produces FV2\r
-Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008 Intel Corporation. <BR>\r
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials\r
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License\r
-which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at\r
-Module Name:\r
-#include <PiDxe.h>\r
-#include <Protocol/FirmwareVolume2.h>\r
-#include <Protocol/FirmwareVolume.h>\r
-#include <Library/BaseLib.h>\r
-#include <Library/DebugLib.h>\r
-#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>\r
-#include <Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint.h>\r
-#include <Library/UefiLib.h>\r
-#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>\r
-  Retrieves attributes, insures positive polarity of attribute bits, returns\r
-  resulting attributes in output parameter\r
-  @param  This                  Calling context\r
-  @param  Attributes            output buffer which contains attributes\r
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
-FvGetVolumeAttributes (\r
-  );\r
-  Sets volume attributes\r
-  @param  This                  Calling context\r
-  @param  Attributes            Buffer which contains attributes\r
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
-FvSetVolumeAttributes (\r
-  );\r
-  Read the requested file (NameGuid) and returns data in Buffer.\r
-  @param  This                  Calling context\r
-  @param  NameGuid              Filename identifying which file to read\r
-  @param  Buffer                Pointer to pointer to buffer in which contents of file are returned.\r
-                                <br>\r
-                                If Buffer is NULL, only type, attributes, and size are returned as\r
-                                there is no output buffer.\r
-                                <br>\r
-                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer == NULL, the output buffer is allocated\r
-                                from BS pool by ReadFile\r
-                                <br>\r
-                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer != NULL, the output buffer has been\r
-                                allocated by the caller and is being passed in.\r
-  @param  BufferSize            Indicates the buffer size passed in, and on output the size\r
-                                required to complete the read\r
-  @param  FoundType             Indicates the type of the file who's data is returned\r
-  @param  FileAttributes        Indicates the attributes of the file who's data is resturned\r
-  @param  AuthenticationStatus  Indicates the authentication status of the data\r
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
-  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
-  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED\r
-FvReadFile (\r
-  IN EFI_GUID                       *NameGuid,\r
-  IN OUT VOID                       **Buffer,\r
-  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,\r
-  OUT EFI_FV_FILETYPE               *FoundType,\r
-  OUT EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES        *FileAttributes,\r
-  OUT UINT32                        *AuthenticationStatus\r
-  );\r
-  Read the requested section from the specified file and returns data in Buffer.\r
-  @param  This                  Calling context\r
-  @param  NameGuid              Filename identifying the file from which to read\r
-  @param  SectionType           Indicates what section type to retrieve\r
-  @param  SectionInstance       Indicates which instance of SectionType to retrieve\r
-  @param  Buffer                Pointer to pointer to buffer in which contents of file are returned.\r
-                                <br>\r
-                                If Buffer is NULL, only type, attributes, and size are returned as\r
-                                there is no output buffer.\r
-                                <br>\r
-                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer == NULL, the output buffer is allocated\r
-                                from BS pool by ReadFile\r
-                                <br>\r
-                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer != NULL, the output buffer has been\r
-                                allocated by the caller and is being passed in.\r
-  @param  BufferSize            Indicates the buffer size passed in, and on output the size\r
-                                required to complete the read\r
-  @param  AuthenticationStatus  Indicates the authentication status of the data\r
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
-  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
-  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED\r
-FvReadSection (\r
-  IN EFI_GUID                       *NameGuid,\r
-  IN EFI_SECTION_TYPE               SectionType,\r
-  IN UINTN                          SectionInstance,\r
-  IN OUT VOID                       **Buffer,\r
-  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,\r
-  OUT UINT32                        *AuthenticationStatus\r
-  );\r
-  Write the supplied file (NameGuid) to the FV.\r
-  @param  This                  Calling context\r
-  @param  NumberOfFiles         Indicates the number of file records pointed to by FileData\r
-  @param  WritePolicy           Indicates the level of reliability of the write with respect to\r
-                                things like power failure events.\r
-  @param  FileData              A pointer to an array of EFI_FV_WRITE_FILE_DATA structures. Each\r
-                                element in the array indicates a file to write, and there are\r
-                                NumberOfFiles elements in the input array.\r
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
-  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
-FvWriteFile (\r
-  IN UINT32                            NumberOfFiles,\r
-  );\r
-  Given the input key, search for the next matching file in the volume.\r
-  @param  This                  Calling context\r
-  @param  Key                   Pointer to a caller allocated buffer that contains an implementation\r
-                                specific key that is used to track where to begin searching on\r
-                                successive calls.\r
-  @param  FileType              Indicates the file type to filter for\r
-  @param  NameGuid              Guid filename of the file found\r
-  @param  Attributes            Attributes of the file found\r
-  @param  Size                  Size in bytes of the file found\r
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
-  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
-  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED\r
-FvGetNextFile (\r
-  IN OUT VOID                       *Key,\r
-  IN OUT EFI_FV_FILETYPE            *FileType,\r
-  OUT EFI_GUID                      *NameGuid,\r
-  OUT EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES        *Attributes,\r
-  OUT UINTN                         *Size\r
-  );\r
-typedef struct {\r
-  UINTN                          Signature;\r
-// Firmware Volume Protocol template\r
-EFI_EVENT  mFvRegistration;\r
-FIRMWARE_VOLUME_PRIVATE_DATA gFirmwareVolumePrivateDataTemplate = {\r
-  {\r
-    FvGetVolumeAttributes,\r
-    FvSetVolumeAttributes,\r
-    FvReadFile,\r
-    FvReadSection,\r
-    FvWriteFile,\r
-    FvGetNextFile,\r
-    0,\r
-    NULL\r
-  },\r
-  NULL\r
-// Module globals\r
-FvNotificationEvent (\r
-  IN  EFI_EVENT       Event,\r
-  IN  VOID            *Context\r
-  )\r
-  EFI_STATUS                    Status;\r
-  UINTN                         BufferSize;\r
-  EFI_HANDLE                    Handle;\r
-  while (TRUE) {\r
-    BufferSize = sizeof (Handle);\r
-    Status = gBS->LocateHandle (\r
-                    ByRegisterNotify,\r
-                    &gEfiFirmwareVolume2ProtocolGuid,\r
-                    mFvRegistration,\r
-                    &BufferSize,\r
-                    &Handle\r
-                    );\r
-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {\r
-      //\r
-      // Exit Path of While Loop....\r
-      //\r
-      break;\r
-    }\r
-    //\r
-    // Skip this handle if the Firmware Volume Protocol is already installed\r
-    //\r
-    Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (\r
-                    Handle,\r
-                    &gEfiFirmwareVolumeProtocolGuid,\r
-                    (VOID **)&FirmwareVolume\r
-                    );\r
-    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {\r
-      continue;\r
-    }\r
-    //\r
-    // Allocate private data structure\r
-    //\r
-    Private = AllocateCopyPool (sizeof (FIRMWARE_VOLUME_PRIVATE_DATA), &gFirmwareVolumePrivateDataTemplate);\r
-    if (Private == NULL) {\r
-      continue;\r
-    }\r
-    //\r
-    // Retrieve the Firmware Volume2 Protocol\r
-    //\r
-    Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (\r
-                    Handle,\r
-                    &gEfiFirmwareVolume2ProtocolGuid,\r
-                    (VOID **)&Private->FirmwareVolume2\r
-                    );\r
-    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);\r
-    //\r
-    // Fill in rest of private data structure\r
-    //\r
-    Private->FirmwareVolume.KeySize      = Private->FirmwareVolume2->KeySize;\r
-    Private->FirmwareVolume.ParentHandle = Private->FirmwareVolume2->ParentHandle;\r
-    //\r
-    // Install Firmware Volume Protocol onto same handle\r
-    //\r
-    Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (\r
-                    &Handle,\r
-                    &gEfiFirmwareVolumeProtocolGuid,\r
-                    &Private->FirmwareVolume,\r
-                    NULL\r
-                    );\r
-    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);\r
-  }\r
-  The user Entry Point for DXE driver. The user code starts with this function\r
-  as the real entry point for the image goes into a library that calls this \r
-  function.\r
-  @param[in] ImageHandle    The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.  \r
-  @param[in] SystemTable    A pointer to the EFI System Table.\r
-  \r
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The entry point is executed successfully.\r
-  @retval other             Some error occurs when executing this entry point.\r
-InitializeFirmwareVolume2 (\r
-  IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,\r
-  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable\r
-  )\r
-  EfiCreateProtocolNotifyEvent (\r
-    &gEfiFirmwareVolume2ProtocolGuid,\r
-    FvNotificationEvent,\r
-    NULL,\r
-    &mFvRegistration\r
-    );\r
-  return EFI_SUCCESS;\r
-  Convert FV attrbiutes to FV2 attributes.\r
-  @param Fv2Attributes FV2 attributes.\r
-  @return FV attributes.\r
-Fv2AttributesToFvAttributes (\r
-  IN  EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES Fv2Attributes\r
-  )\r
-  //\r
-  // Clear those filed that is not defined in Framework FV spec and Alignment conversion.\r
-  //\r
-  return (Fv2Attributes & 0x1ff) | ((UINTN) EFI_FV_ALIGNMENT_2 << RShiftU64((Fv2Attributes & EFI_FV2_ALIGNMENT), 16));\r
-  Retrieves attributes, insures positive polarity of attribute bits, returns\r
-  resulting attributes in output parameter\r
-  @param  This                  Calling context\r
-  @param  Attributes            output buffer which contains attributes\r
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
-FvGetVolumeAttributes (\r
-  )\r
-  EFI_STATUS                     Status;\r
-  FirmwareVolume2 = Private->FirmwareVolume2;\r
-  Status = FirmwareVolume2->GetVolumeAttributes (\r
-                              FirmwareVolume2,\r
-                              Attributes\r
-                              );\r
-  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {\r
-    *Attributes = Fv2AttributesToFvAttributes (*Attributes);\r
-  }\r
-  return Status;\r
-  Sets volume attributes\r
-  @param  This                  Calling context\r
-  @param  Attributes            Buffer which contains attributes\r
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
-FvSetVolumeAttributes (\r
-  )\r
-  EFI_FV_ATTRIBUTES              Fv2Attributes; \r
-  EFI_STATUS                     Status;\r
-  FirmwareVolume2 = Private->FirmwareVolume2;\r
-  Fv2Attributes = (*Attributes & 0x1ff);\r
-  Status = FirmwareVolume2->SetVolumeAttributes (\r
-                            FirmwareVolume2,\r
-                            &Fv2Attributes\r
-                            );\r
-  *Attributes = Fv2AttributesToFvAttributes (Fv2Attributes);\r
-  \r
-  return Status;\r
-  Read the requested file (NameGuid) and returns data in Buffer.\r
-  @param  This                  Calling context\r
-  @param  NameGuid              Filename identifying which file to read\r
-  @param  Buffer                Pointer to pointer to buffer in which contents of file are returned.\r
-                                <br>\r
-                                If Buffer is NULL, only type, attributes, and size are returned as\r
-                                there is no output buffer.\r
-                                <br>\r
-                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer == NULL, the output buffer is allocated\r
-                                from BS pool by ReadFile\r
-                                <br>\r
-                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer != NULL, the output buffer has been\r
-                                allocated by the caller and is being passed in.\r
-  @param  BufferSize            Indicates the buffer size passed in, and on output the size\r
-                                required to complete the read\r
-  @param  FoundType             Indicates the type of the file who's data is returned\r
-  @param  FileAttributes        Indicates the attributes of the file who's data is resturned\r
-  @param  AuthenticationStatus  Indicates the authentication status of the data\r
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
-  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
-  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED\r
-FvReadFile (\r
-  IN EFI_GUID                       *NameGuid,\r
-  IN OUT VOID                       **Buffer,\r
-  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,\r
-  OUT EFI_FV_FILETYPE               *FoundType,\r
-  OUT EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES        *FileAttributes,\r
-  OUT UINT32                        *AuthenticationStatus\r
-  )\r
-  EFI_STATUS                     Status;\r
-  FirmwareVolume2 = Private->FirmwareVolume2;\r
-  Status = FirmwareVolume2->ReadFile (\r
-                            FirmwareVolume2,\r
-                            NameGuid,\r
-                            Buffer,\r
-                            BufferSize,\r
-                            FoundType,\r
-                            FileAttributes,\r
-                            AuthenticationStatus\r
-                            );\r
-  //\r
-  // For Framework FV attrbutes, only alignment fields are valid.\r
-  //\r
-  *FileAttributes = *FileAttributes & EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIB_ALIGNMENT;\r
-  \r
-  return Status;\r
-  Read the requested section from the specified file and returns data in Buffer.\r
-  @param  This                  Calling context\r
-  @param  NameGuid              Filename identifying the file from which to read\r
-  @param  SectionType           Indicates what section type to retrieve\r
-  @param  SectionInstance       Indicates which instance of SectionType to retrieve\r
-  @param  Buffer                Pointer to pointer to buffer in which contents of file are returned.\r
-                                <br>\r
-                                If Buffer is NULL, only type, attributes, and size are returned as\r
-                                there is no output buffer.\r
-                                <br>\r
-                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer == NULL, the output buffer is allocated\r
-                                from BS pool by ReadFile\r
-                                <br>\r
-                                If Buffer != NULL and *Buffer != NULL, the output buffer has been\r
-                                allocated by the caller and is being passed in.\r
-  @param  BufferSize            Indicates the buffer size passed in, and on output the size\r
-                                required to complete the read\r
-  @param  AuthenticationStatus  Indicates the authentication status of the data\r
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
-  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
-  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED\r
-FvReadSection (\r
-  IN EFI_GUID                       *NameGuid,\r
-  IN EFI_SECTION_TYPE               SectionType,\r
-  IN UINTN                          SectionInstance,\r
-  IN OUT VOID                       **Buffer,\r
-  IN OUT UINTN                      *BufferSize,\r
-  OUT UINT32                        *AuthenticationStatus\r
-  )\r
-  FirmwareVolume2 = Private->FirmwareVolume2;\r
-  return FirmwareVolume2->ReadSection (\r
-                            FirmwareVolume2,\r
-                            NameGuid,\r
-                            SectionType,\r
-                            SectionInstance,\r
-                            Buffer,\r
-                            BufferSize,\r
-                            AuthenticationStatus\r
-                            );\r
-  Write the supplied file (NameGuid) to the FV.\r
-  @param  This                  Calling context\r
-  @param  NumberOfFiles         Indicates the number of file records pointed to by FileData\r
-  @param  WritePolicy           Indicates the level of reliability of the write with respect to\r
-                                things like power failure events.\r
-  @param  FileData              A pointer to an array of EFI_FV_WRITE_FILE_DATA structures. Each\r
-                                element in the array indicates a file to write, and there are\r
-                                NumberOfFiles elements in the input array.\r
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
-  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
-FvWriteFile (\r
-  IN UINT32                            NumberOfFiles,\r
-  )\r
-  EFI_FV_WRITE_FILE_DATA         *PiFileData;\r
-  EFI_STATUS                     Status;\r
-  UINTN                          Index;\r
-  FirmwareVolume2 = Private->FirmwareVolume2;\r
-  PiFileData = AllocateCopyPool (sizeof (EFI_FV_WRITE_FILE_DATA), FileData);\r
-  //\r
-  // Framework Spec assume firmware files are Memory-Mapped.\r
-  //\r
-  for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfFiles; Index++) {\r
-    PiFileData[Index].FileAttributes |= EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIB_MEMORY_MAPPED;\r
-  }\r
-  Status = FirmwareVolume2->WriteFile (\r
-                            FirmwareVolume2,\r
-                            NumberOfFiles,\r
-                            WritePolicy,\r
-                            (EFI_FV_WRITE_FILE_DATA *)FileData\r
-                            );\r
-  FreePool (PiFileData);\r
-  return Status;\r
-  Given the input key, search for the next matching file in the volume.\r
-  @param  This                  Calling context\r
-  @param  Key                   Pointer to a caller allocated buffer that contains an implementation\r
-                                specific key that is used to track where to begin searching on\r
-                                successive calls.\r
-  @param  FileType              Indicates the file type to filter for\r
-  @param  NameGuid              Guid filename of the file found\r
-  @param  Attributes            Attributes of the file found\r
-  @param  Size                  Size in bytes of the file found\r
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS\r
-  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND\r
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR\r
-  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED\r
-FvGetNextFile (\r
-  IN OUT VOID                       *Key,\r
-  IN OUT EFI_FV_FILETYPE            *FileType,\r
-  OUT EFI_GUID                      *NameGuid,\r
-  OUT EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES        *Attributes,\r
-  OUT UINTN                         *Size\r
-  )\r
-  EFI_STATUS                     Status;\r
-  FirmwareVolume2 = Private->FirmwareVolume2;\r
-  Status = FirmwareVolume2->GetNextFile (\r
-                            FirmwareVolume2,\r
-                            Key,\r
-                            FileType,\r
-                            NameGuid,\r
-                            Attributes,\r
-                            Size\r
-                            );\r
-  //\r
-  // For Framework FV attrbutes, only alignment fields are valid.\r
-  //\r
-  *Attributes = *Attributes & EFI_FV_FILE_ATTRIB_ALIGNMENT;\r
-  \r
-  return Status;\r
diff --git a/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/FvOnFv2Thunk/FvToFv2Thunk.inf b/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/FvOnFv2Thunk/FvToFv2Thunk.inf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0f9299a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#/** @file\r
-# Module produce FV on top of FV2.\r
-# UEFI PI specification supersedes Inte's Framework Specification.\r
-# EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_PROTOCOL defined in Intel Framework Pkg is replaced by\r
-# This module produces FV on top of FV2. This module is used on platform when both of\r
-# these two conditions are true:\r
-# 1) Framework module consuming FV is present\r
-# 2) And the platform only produces FV2\r
-# Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Intel Corporation\r
-#  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials\r
-#  are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License\r
-#  which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at\r
-#  http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php\r
-  INF_VERSION                    = 0x00010005\r
-  BASE_NAME                      = FvOnFv2Thunk\r
-  FILE_GUID                      = 5007A40E-A5E0-44f7-86AE-662F9A91DA26\r
-  MODULE_TYPE                    = DXE_DRIVER\r
-  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0\r
-  EDK_RELEASE_VERSION            = 0x00020000\r
-  EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION      = 0x00020000\r
-  ENTRY_POINT                    = InitializeFirmwareVolume2\r
-# The following information is for reference only and not required by the build tools.\r
-#  VALID_ARCHITECTURES           = IA32 X64 IPF EBC\r
-  FvOnFv2Thunk.c\r
-  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec\r
-  IntelFrameworkPkg/IntelFrameworkPkg.dec\r
-  UefiDriverEntryPoint\r
-  UefiBootServicesTableLib\r
-  BaseLib\r
-  DebugLib\r
-  UefiLib\r
-  MemoryAllocationLib\r
-  gEfiFirmwareVolume2ProtocolGuid\r
-  gEfiFirmwareVolumeProtocolGuid\r
-  TRUE\r