]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_xterm.js.git/blob - src/Linkifier.ts
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[mirror_xterm.js.git] / src / Linkifier.ts
1 /**
2 * @license MIT
3 */
5 import { LinkMatcherOptions } from './Interfaces';
6 import { LinkMatcher, LinkMatcherHandler, LinkMatcherValidationCallback } from './Types';
8 const INVALID_LINK_CLASS = 'xterm-invalid-link';
10 const protocolClause = '(https?:\\/\\/)';
11 const domainCharacterSet = '[\\da-z\\.-]+';
12 const negatedDomainCharacterSet = '[^\\da-z\\.-]+';
13 const domainBodyClause = '(' + domainCharacterSet + ')';
14 const tldClause = '([a-z\\.]{2,6})';
15 const ipClause = '((\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3})';
16 const localHostClause = '(localhost)';
17 const portClause = '(:\\d{1,5})';
18 const hostClause = '((' + domainBodyClause + '\\.' + tldClause + ')|' + ipClause + '|' + localHostClause + ')' + portClause + '?';
19 const pathClause = '(\\/[\\/\\w\\.\\-%~]*)*';
20 const queryStringHashFragmentCharacterSet = '[0-9\\w\\[\\]\\(\\)\\/\\?\\!#@$%&\'*+,:;~\\=\\.\\-]*';
21 const queryStringClause = '(\\?' + queryStringHashFragmentCharacterSet + ')?';
22 const hashFragmentClause = '(#' + queryStringHashFragmentCharacterSet + ')?';
23 const negatedPathCharacterSet = '[^\\/\\w\\.\\-%]+';
24 const bodyClause = hostClause + pathClause + queryStringClause + hashFragmentClause;
25 const start = '(?:^|' + negatedDomainCharacterSet + ')(';
26 const end = ')($|' + negatedPathCharacterSet + ')';
27 const strictUrlRegex = new RegExp(start + protocolClause + bodyClause + end);
29 /**
30 * The ID of the built in http(s) link matcher.
31 */
34 /**
35 * The Linkifier applies links to rows shortly after they have been refreshed.
36 */
37 export class Linkifier {
38 /**
39 * The time to wait after a row is changed before it is linkified. This prevents
40 * the costly operation of searching every row multiple times, pntentially a
41 * huge aount of times.
42 */
43 protected static TIME_BEFORE_LINKIFY = 200;
45 protected _linkMatchers: LinkMatcher[];
47 private _document: Document;
48 private _rows: HTMLElement[];
49 private _rowTimeoutIds: number[];
50 private _nextLinkMatcherId = HYPERTEXT_LINK_MATCHER_ID;
52 constructor(document: Document, rows: HTMLElement[]) {
53 this._document = document;
54 this._rows = rows;
55 this._rowTimeoutIds = [];
56 this._linkMatchers = [];
57 this.registerLinkMatcher(strictUrlRegex, null, { matchIndex: 1 });
58 }
60 /**
61 * Queues a row for linkification.
62 * @param {number} rowIndex The index of the row to linkify.
63 */
64 public linkifyRow(rowIndex: number): void {
65 const timeoutId = this._rowTimeoutIds[rowIndex];
66 if (timeoutId) {
67 clearTimeout(timeoutId);
68 }
69 this._rowTimeoutIds[rowIndex] = setTimeout(this._linkifyRow.bind(this, rowIndex), Linkifier.TIME_BEFORE_LINKIFY);
70 }
72 /**
73 * Attaches a handler for hypertext links, overriding default <a> behavior
74 * for standard http(s) links.
75 * @param {LinkHandler} handler The handler to use, this can be cleared with
76 * null.
77 */
78 public attachHypertextLinkHandler(handler: LinkMatcherHandler): void {
79 this._linkMatchers[HYPERTEXT_LINK_MATCHER_ID].handler = handler;
80 }
82 /**
83 * Registers a link matcher, allowing custom link patterns to be matched and
84 * handled.
85 * @param {RegExp} regex The regular expression to search for, specifically
86 * this searches the textContent of the rows. You will want to use \s to match
87 * a space ' ' character for example.
88 * @param {LinkHandler} handler The callback when the link is called.
89 * @param {LinkMatcherOptions} [options] Options for the link matcher.
90 * @return {number} The ID of the new matcher, this can be used to deregister.
91 */
92 public registerLinkMatcher(regex: RegExp, handler: LinkMatcherHandler, options: LinkMatcherOptions = {}): number {
93 if (this._nextLinkMatcherId !== HYPERTEXT_LINK_MATCHER_ID && !handler) {
94 throw new Error('handler must be defined');
95 }
96 const matcher: LinkMatcher = {
97 id: this._nextLinkMatcherId++,
98 regex,
99 handler,
100 matchIndex: options.matchIndex,
101 validationCallback: options.validationCallback,
102 priority: options.priority || 0
103 };
104 this._addLinkMatcherToList(matcher);
105 return matcher.id;
106 }
108 /**
109 * Inserts a link matcher to the list in the correct position based on the
110 * priority of each link matcher. New link matchers of equal priority are
111 * considered after older link matchers.
112 * @param matcher The link matcher to be added.
113 */
114 private _addLinkMatcherToList(matcher: LinkMatcher): void {
115 if (this._linkMatchers.length === 0) {
116 this._linkMatchers.push(matcher);
117 return;
118 }
120 for (let i = this._linkMatchers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
121 if (matcher.priority <= this._linkMatchers[i].priority) {
122 this._linkMatchers.splice(i + 1, 0, matcher);
123 return;
124 }
125 }
127 this._linkMatchers.splice(0, 0, matcher);
128 }
130 /**
131 * Deregisters a link matcher if it has been registered.
132 * @param {number} matcherId The link matcher's ID (returned after register)
133 * @return {boolean} Whether a link matcher was found and deregistered.
134 */
135 public deregisterLinkMatcher(matcherId: number): boolean {
136 // ID 0 is the hypertext link matcher which cannot be deregistered
137 for (let i = 1; i < this._linkMatchers.length; i++) {
138 if (this._linkMatchers[i].id === matcherId) {
139 this._linkMatchers.splice(i, 1);
140 return true;
141 }
142 }
143 return false;
144 }
146 /**
147 * Linkifies a row.
148 * @param {number} rowIndex The index of the row to linkify.
149 */
150 private _linkifyRow(rowIndex: number): void {
151 const row = this._rows[rowIndex];
152 if (!row) {
153 return;
154 }
155 const text = row.textContent;
156 for (let i = 0; i < this._linkMatchers.length; i++) {
157 const matcher = this._linkMatchers[i];
158 const linkElements = this._doLinkifyRow(row, matcher);
159 if (linkElements.length > 0) {
160 // Fire validation callback
161 if (matcher.validationCallback) {
162 for (let j = 0; j < linkElements.length; j++) {
163 matcher.validationCallback(linkElements[j].textContent, isValid => {
164 if (!isValid) {
165 linkElements[j].classList.add(INVALID_LINK_CLASS);
166 }
167 });
168 }
169 }
170 // Only allow a single LinkMatcher to trigger on any given row.
171 return;
172 }
173 }
174 }
176 /**
177 * Linkifies a row given a specific handler.
178 * @param {HTMLElement} row The row to linkify.
179 * @param {LinkMatcher} matcher The link matcher for this line.
180 * @return The link element if it was added, otherwise undefined.
181 */
182 private _doLinkifyRow(row: HTMLElement, matcher: LinkMatcher): HTMLElement[] {
183 // Iterate over nodes as we want to consider text nodes
184 let result = [];
185 const isHttpLinkMatcher = matcher.id === HYPERTEXT_LINK_MATCHER_ID;
186 const nodes = row.childNodes;
188 // Find the first match
189 let match = row.textContent.match(matcher.regex);
190 if (!match || match.length === 0) {
191 return result;
192 }
193 let uri = match[typeof matcher.matchIndex !== 'number' ? 0 : matcher.matchIndex];
194 // Set the next searches start index
195 let rowStartIndex = match.index + uri.length;
197 for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
198 const node = nodes[i];
199 const searchIndex = node.textContent.indexOf(uri);
200 if (searchIndex >= 0) {
201 const linkElement = this._createAnchorElement(uri, matcher.handler, isHttpLinkMatcher);
202 if (node.textContent.length === uri.length) {
203 // Matches entire string
204 if (node.nodeType === 3 /*Node.TEXT_NODE*/) {
205 this._replaceNode(node, linkElement);
206 } else {
207 const element = (<HTMLElement>node);
208 if (element.nodeName === 'A') {
209 // This row has already been linkified
210 return result;
211 }
212 element.innerHTML = '';
213 element.appendChild(linkElement);
214 }
215 } else {
216 // Matches part of string
217 const nodesAdded = this._replaceNodeSubstringWithNode(node, linkElement, uri, searchIndex);
218 // No need to consider the new nodes
219 i += nodesAdded;
220 }
221 result.push(linkElement);
223 // Find the next match
224 match = row.textContent.substring(rowStartIndex).match(matcher.regex);
225 if (!match || match.length === 0) {
226 return result;
227 }
228 uri = match[typeof matcher.matchIndex !== 'number' ? 0 : matcher.matchIndex];
229 rowStartIndex += match.index + uri.length;
230 }
231 }
232 return result;
233 }
235 /**
236 * Creates a link anchor element.
237 * @param {string} uri The uri of the link.
238 * @return {HTMLAnchorElement} The link.
239 */
240 private _createAnchorElement(uri: string, handler: LinkMatcherHandler, isHypertextLinkHandler: boolean): HTMLAnchorElement {
241 const element = this._document.createElement('a');
242 element.textContent = uri;
243 element.draggable = false;
244 if (isHypertextLinkHandler) {
245 element.href = uri;
246 // Force link on another tab so work is not lost
247 element.target = '_blank';
248 element.addEventListener('click', (event: MouseEvent) => {
249 if (handler) {
250 return handler(event, uri);
251 }
252 });
253 } else {
254 element.addEventListener('click', (event: MouseEvent) => {
255 // Don't execute the handler if the link is flagged as invalid
256 if (element.classList.contains(INVALID_LINK_CLASS)) {
257 return;
258 }
259 return handler(event, uri);
260 });
261 }
262 return element;
263 }
265 /**
266 * Replace a node with 1 or more other nodes.
267 * @param {Node} oldNode The node to replace.
268 * @param {Node[]} newNodes The new nodes to insert in order.
269 */
270 private _replaceNode(oldNode: Node, ...newNodes: Node[]): void {
271 const parent = oldNode.parentNode;
272 for (let i = 0; i < newNodes.length; i++) {
273 parent.insertBefore(newNodes[i], oldNode);
274 }
275 parent.removeChild(oldNode);
276 }
278 /**
279 * Replace a substring within a node with a new node.
280 * @param {Node} targetNode The target node; either a text node or a <span>
281 * containing a single text node.
282 * @param {Node} newNode The new node to insert.
283 * @param {string} substring The substring to replace.
284 * @param {number} substringIndex The index of the substring within the string.
285 * @return The number of nodes to skip when searching for the next uri.
286 */
287 private _replaceNodeSubstringWithNode(targetNode: Node, newNode: Node, substring: string, substringIndex: number): number {
288 let node = targetNode;
289 if (node.nodeType !== 3/*Node.TEXT_NODE*/) {
290 node = node.childNodes[0];
291 }
293 // The targetNode will be either a text node or a <span>. The text node
294 // (targetNode or its only-child) needs to be replaced with newNode plus new
295 // text nodes potentially on either side.
296 if (node.childNodes.length === 0 && node.nodeType !== 3/*Node.TEXT_NODE*/) {
297 throw new Error('targetNode must be a text node or only contain a single text node');
298 }
300 const fullText = node.textContent;
302 if (substringIndex === 0) {
303 // Replace with <newNode><textnode>
304 const rightText = fullText.substring(substring.length);
305 const rightTextNode = this._document.createTextNode(rightText);
306 this._replaceNode(node, newNode, rightTextNode);
307 return 0;
308 }
310 if (substringIndex === targetNode.textContent.length - substring.length) {
311 // Replace with <textnode><newNode>
312 const leftText = fullText.substring(0, substringIndex);
313 const leftTextNode = this._document.createTextNode(leftText);
314 this._replaceNode(node, leftTextNode, newNode);
315 return 0;
316 }
318 // Replace with <textnode><newNode><textnode>
319 const leftText = fullText.substring(0, substringIndex);
320 const leftTextNode = this._document.createTextNode(leftText);
321 const rightText = fullText.substring(substringIndex + substring.length);
322 const rightTextNode = this._document.createTextNode(rightText);
323 this._replaceNode(node, leftTextNode, newNode, rightTextNode);
324 return 1;
325 }
326 }