]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-acme.git/blob - src/PVE/ACME.pm
fix #2732: use actual plugin config data
[proxmox-acme.git] / src / PVE / ACME.pm
1 package PVE::ACME;
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 use POSIX;
8 use Data::Dumper;
9 use Date::Parse;
10 use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64url);
11 use File::Path qw(make_path);
12 use JSON;
13 use Digest::SHA qw(sha256 sha256_hex);
15 use HTTP::Request;
16 use LWP::UserAgent;
18 use Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA;
20 use PVE::Certificate;
21 use PVE::Tools qw(
22 file_set_contents
23 file_get_contents
24 );
26 use PVE::ACME::DNSChallenge;
28 Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->import_random_seed();
30 my $LETSENCRYPT_STAGING = 'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory';
32 ### ACME library (compatible with Let's Encrypt v2 API)
33 #
34 # sample usage:
35 #
36 # 1) my $acme = PVE::ACME->new('path/to/account.json', 'API directory URL');
37 # 2) $acme->init(4096); # generate account key
38 # 4) my $tos_url = $acme->get_meta()->{termsOfService}; # optional, display if applicable
39 # 5) $acme->new_account($tos_url, contact => ['mailto:example@example.com']);
40 #
41 # 1) my $acme = PVE::ACME->new('path/to/account.json', 'API directory URL');
42 # 2) $acme->load();
43 # 3) my ($order_url, $order) = $acme->new_order(['foo.example.com', 'bar.example.com']);
44 # 4) # repeat a-f for each $auth_url in $order->{authorizations}
45 # a) my $authorization = $acme->get_authorization($auth_url);
46 # b) # pick $challenge from $authorization->{challenges} according to desired type
47 # c) my $key_auth = $acme->key_authorization($challenge->{token});
48 # d) # setup challenge validation according to specification
49 # e) $acme->request_challenge_validation($challenge->{url});
50 # f) # poll $acme->get_authorization($auth_url) until status is 'valid'
51 # 5) # generate CSR in PEM format
52 # 6) $acme->finalize_order($order, $csr);
53 # 7) # poll $acme->get_order($order_url) until status is 'valid'
54 # 8) my $cert = $acme->get_certificate($order);
55 # 9) # $key is path to key file, $cert contains PEM-encoded certificate chain
56 #
57 # 1) my $acme = PVE::ACME->new('path/to/account.json', 'API directory URL');
58 # 2) $acme->load();
59 # 3) $acme->revoke_certificate($cert);
61 # Tools
62 sub encode($) { # acme requires 'base64url' encoding
63 return encode_base64url($_[0]);
64 }
66 sub tojs($;%) { # shortcut for to_json with utf8=>1
67 my ($data, %data) = @_;
68 return to_json($data, { utf8 => 1, %data });
69 }
71 sub fromjs($) {
72 return from_json($_[0]);
73 }
75 sub fatal($$;$$) {
76 my ($self, $msg, $dump, $noerr) = @_;
78 warn Dumper($dump), "\n" if $self->{debug} && $dump;
79 if ($noerr) {
80 warn "$msg\n";
81 } else {
82 die "$msg\n";
83 }
84 }
86 # Implementation
88 # $path: account JSON file
89 # $directory: the ACME directory URL used to find method URLs
90 sub new($$$) {
91 my ($class, $path, $directory) = @_;
93 $directory //= $LETSENCRYPT_STAGING;
95 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
96 $ua->env_proxy();
97 $ua->agent('pve-acme/0.1');
98 $ua->protocols_allowed(['https']);
100 my $self = {
101 ua => $ua,
102 path => $path,
103 directory => $directory,
104 nonce => undef,
105 key => undef,
106 location => undef,
107 account => undef,
108 tos => undef,
109 };
111 return bless $self, $class;
112 }
114 # RS256: PKCS#1 padding, no OAEP, SHA256
115 my $configure_key = sub {
116 my ($key) = @_;
117 $key->use_pkcs1_padding();
118 $key->use_sha256_hash();
119 };
121 # Create account key with $keybits bits
122 # use instead of load, overwrites existing account JSON file!
123 sub init {
124 my ($self, $keybits) = @_;
125 die "Already have a key\n" if defined($self->{key});
126 $keybits //= 4096;
127 my $key = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->generate_key($keybits);
128 $configure_key->($key);
129 $self->{key} = $key;
130 $self->save();
131 }
133 my @SAVED_VALUES = qw(location account tos debug directory);
134 # Serialize persistent parts of $self to $self->{path} as JSON
135 sub save {
136 my ($self) = @_;
137 my $o = {};
138 my $keystr;
139 if (my $key = $self->{key}) {
140 $keystr = $key->get_private_key_string();
141 $o->{key} = $keystr;
142 }
143 for my $k (@SAVED_VALUES) {
144 my $v = $self->{$k} // next;
145 $o->{$k} = $v;
146 }
147 # pretty => 1 for readability
148 # canonical => 1 to reduce churn
149 file_set_contents($self->{path}, tojs($o, pretty => 1, canonical => 1));
150 }
152 # Load serialized account JSON file into $self
153 sub load {
154 my ($self) = @_;
155 return if $self->{loaded};
156 $self->{loaded} = 1;
157 my $raw = file_get_contents($self->{path});
158 if ($raw =~ m/^(.*)$/s) { $raw = $1; } # untaint
159 my $data = fromjs($raw);
160 $self->{$_} = $data->{$_} for @SAVED_VALUES;
161 if (defined(my $keystr = $data->{key})) {
162 my $key = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_private_key($keystr);
163 $configure_key->($key);
164 $self->{key} = $key;
165 }
166 }
168 # The 'jwk' object needs the key type, key parameters and the usage,
169 # except for when we want to take the JWK-Thumbprint, then the usage
170 # must not be included.
171 sub jwk {
172 my ($self, $pure) = @_;
173 my $key = $self->{key}
174 or die "No key was generated yet\n";
175 my ($n, $e) = $key->get_key_parameters();
176 return {
177 kty => 'RSA',
178 ($pure ? () : (use => 'sig')), # for thumbprints
179 n => encode($n->to_bin),
180 e => encode($e->to_bin),
181 };
182 }
184 # The thumbprint is a sha256 hash of the lexicographically sorted (iow.
185 # canonical) condensed json string of the JWK object which gets base64url
186 # encoded.
187 sub jwk_thumbprint {
188 my ($self) = @_;
189 my $jwk = $self->jwk(1); # $pure = 1
190 return encode(sha256(tojs($jwk, canonical=>1))); # canonical sorts
191 }
193 # A key authorization string in acme is a challenge token dot-connected with
194 # a JWK Thumbprint. You put the base64url encoded sha256-hash of this string
195 # into the DNS TXT record.
196 sub key_authorization {
197 my ($self, $token) = @_;
198 return $token .'.'. $self->jwk_thumbprint();
199 }
201 # JWS signing using the RS256 alg (RSA/SHA256).
202 sub jws {
203 my ($self, $use_jwk, $data, $url) = @_;
204 my $key = $self->{key}
205 or die "No key was generated yet\n";
207 my $payload = $data ne '' ? encode(tojs($data)) : $data;
209 if (!defined($self->{nonce})) {
210 my $method = $self->_method('newNonce');
211 $self->do(GET => $method);
212 }
214 # The acme protocol requires the actual request URL be in the protected
215 # header. There is no unprotected header.
216 my $protected = {
217 alg => 'RS256',
218 url => $url,
219 nonce => $self->{nonce} // die "missing nonce\n"
220 };
222 # header contains either
223 # - kid, reference to account URL
224 # - jwk, key itself
225 # the latter is only allowed for
226 # - creating accounts (no account URL yet)
227 # - revoking certificates with the certificate key instead of account key
228 if ($use_jwk) {
229 $protected->{jwk} = $self->jwk();
230 } else {
231 $protected->{kid} = $self->{location};
232 }
234 $protected = encode(tojs($protected));
236 my $signdata = "$protected.$payload";
237 my $signature = encode($key->sign($signdata));
239 return {
240 protected => $protected,
241 payload => $payload,
242 signature => $signature,
243 };
244 }
246 sub __get_result {
247 my ($resp, $code, $plain) = @_;
249 die "expected code '$code', received '".$resp->code."'\n"
250 if $resp->code != $code;
252 return $plain ? $resp->decoded_content : fromjs($resp->decoded_content);
253 }
255 # Get the list of method URLs and query the directory if we have to.
256 sub __get_methods {
257 my ($self) = @_;
258 if (my $methods = $self->{methods}) {
259 return $methods;
260 }
261 my $r = $self->do(GET => $self->{directory});
262 my $methods = __get_result($r, 200);
263 $self->fatal("unable to decode methods returned by directory - $@", $r) if $@;
264 return ($self->{methods} = $methods);
265 }
267 # Get a method, causing the directory to be queried first if necessary.
268 sub _method {
269 my ($self, $method) = @_;
270 my $methods = $self->__get_methods();
271 my $url = $methods->{$method}
272 or die "no such method: $method\n";
273 return $url;
274 }
276 # Get $self->{account} with an error if we don't have one yet.
277 sub _account {
278 my ($self) = @_;
279 my $account = $self->{account}
280 // die "no account loaded\n";
281 return wantarray ? ($account, $self->{location}) : $account;
282 }
284 # debugging info
285 sub list_methods {
286 my ($self) = @_;
287 my $methods = $self->__get_methods();
288 if (my $meta = $methods->{meta}) {
289 print("(meta): $_ : $meta->{$_}\n") for sort keys %$meta;
290 }
291 print("$_ : $methods->{$_}\n") for sort grep {$_ ne 'meta'} keys %$methods;
292 }
294 # return (optional) meta directory entry.
295 # this is public because it might contain the ToS, which should be displayed
296 # and agreed to before creating an account
297 sub get_meta {
298 my ($self) = @_;
299 my $methods = $self->__get_methods();
300 return $methods->{meta};
301 }
303 # Common code between new_account and update_account
304 sub __new_account {
305 my ($self, $expected_code, $url, $new, %info) = @_;
306 my $req = {
307 %info,
308 };
309 my $r = $self->do(POST => $url, $req, $new);
310 eval {
311 my $account = __get_result($r, $expected_code);
312 if (!defined($self->{location})) {
313 my $account_url = $r->header('Location')
314 or die "did not receive an account URL\n";
315 $self->{location} = $account_url;
316 }
317 $self->{account} = $account;
318 $self->save();
319 };
320 $self->fatal("POST to '$url' failed - $@", $r) if $@;
321 return $self->{account};
322 }
324 # Create a new account using data in %info.
325 # Optionally pass $tos_url to agree to the given Terms of Service
326 # POST to newAccount endpoint
327 # Expects a '201 Created' reply
328 # Saves and returns the account data
329 sub new_account {
330 my ($self, $tos_url, %info) = @_;
331 my $url = $self->_method('newAccount');
333 if ($tos_url) {
334 $self->{tos} = $tos_url;
335 $info{termsOfServiceAgreed} = JSON::true;
336 }
338 return $self->__new_account(201, $url, 1, %info);
339 }
341 # Update existing account with new %info
342 # POST to account URL
343 # Expects a '200 OK' reply
344 # Saves and returns updated account data
345 sub update_account {
346 my ($self, %info) = @_;
347 my (undef, $url) = $self->_account;
349 return $self->__new_account(200, $url, 0, %info);
350 }
352 # Retrieves existing account information
353 # POST to account URL with empty body!
354 # Expects a '200 OK' reply
355 # Saves and returns updated account data
356 sub get_account {
357 my ($self) = @_;
358 return $self->update_account();
359 }
361 # Start a new order for one or more domains
362 # POST to newOrder endpoint
363 # Expects a '201 Created' reply
364 # returns order URL and parsed order object, including authorization and finalize URLs
365 sub new_order {
366 my ($self, $domains) = @_;
368 my $url = $self->_method('newOrder');
369 my $req = {
370 identifiers => [ map { { type => 'dns', value => $_ } } @$domains ],
371 };
373 my $r = $self->do(POST => $url, $req);
374 my ($order_url, $order);
375 eval {
376 $order_url = $r->header('Location')
377 or die "did not receive an order URL\n";
378 $order = __get_result($r, 201)
379 };
380 $self->fatal("POST to '$url' failed - $@", $r) if $@;
381 return ($order_url, $order);
382 }
384 # Finalize order after all challenges have been validated
385 # POST to order's finalize URL
386 # Expects a '200 OK' reply
387 # returns (potentially updated) order object
388 sub finalize_order {
389 my ($self, $order, $csr) = @_;
391 my $req = {
392 csr => encode($csr),
393 };
394 my $r = $self->do(POST => $order->{finalize}, $req);
395 my $return = eval { __get_result($r, 200); };
396 $self->fatal("POST to '$order->{finalize}' failed - $@", $r) if $@;
397 return $return;
398 }
400 # Get order status
401 # GET-as-POST to order URL
402 # Expects a '200 OK' reply
403 # returns order object
404 sub get_order {
405 my ($self, $order_url) = @_;
406 my $r = $self->do(POST => $order_url, '');
407 my $return = eval { __get_result($r, 200); };
408 $self->fatal("POST of '$order_url' failed - $@", $r) if $@;
409 return $return;
410 }
412 # Gets authorization object
413 # GET-as-POST to authorization URL
414 # Expects a '200 OK' reply
415 # returns authorization object, including challenges array
416 sub get_authorization {
417 my ($self, $auth_url) = @_;
419 my $r = $self->do(POST => $auth_url, '');
420 my $return = eval { __get_result($r, 200); };
421 $self->fatal("POST of '$auth_url' failed - $@", $r) if $@;
422 return $return;
423 }
425 # Deactivates existing authorization
426 # POST to authorization URL
427 # Expects a '200 OK' reply
428 # returns updated authorization object
429 sub deactivate_authorization {
430 my ($self, $auth_url) = @_;
432 my $req = {
433 status => 'deactivated',
434 };
435 my $r = $self->do(POST => $auth_url, $req);
436 my $return = eval { __get_result($r, 200); };
437 $self->fatal("POST to '$auth_url' failed - $@", $r) if $@;
438 return $return;
439 }
441 # Get certificate
442 # GET-as-POST to order's certificate URL
443 # Expects a '200 OK' reply
444 # returns certificate chain in PEM format
445 sub get_certificate {
446 my ($self, $order) = @_;
448 $self->fatal("no certificate URL available (yet?)", $order)
449 if !$order->{certificate};
451 my $r = $self->do(POST => $order->{certificate}, '');
452 my $return = eval { __get_result($r, 200, 1); };
453 $self->fatal("POST of '$order->{certificate}' failed - $@", $r) if $@;
454 return $return;
455 }
457 # Revoke given certificate
458 # POST to revokeCert endpoint
459 # currently only supports revokation with account key
460 # $certificate can either be PEM or DER encoded
461 # Expects a '200 OK' reply
462 sub revoke_certificate {
463 my ($self, $certificate, $reason) = @_;
465 my $url = $self->_method('revokeCert');
467 if ($certificate =~ /^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/) {
468 $certificate = PVE::Certificate::pem_to_der($certificate);
469 }
471 my $req = {
472 certificate => encode($certificate),
473 reason => $reason // 0,
474 };
475 # TODO: set use_jwk if revoking with certificate key
476 my $r = $self->do(POST => $url, $req);
477 eval {
478 die "unexpected code $r->code\n" if $r->code != 200;
479 };
480 $self->fatal("POST to '$url' failed - $@", $r) if $@;
481 }
483 # Request validation of challenge
484 # POST to challenge URL
485 # call after validation has been setup
486 # returns (potentially updated) challenge object
487 sub request_challenge_validation {
488 my ($self, $url) = @_;
490 my $r = $self->do(POST => $url, {});
491 my $return = eval { __get_result($r, 200); };
492 $self->fatal("POST to '$url' failed - $@", $r) if $@;
493 return $return;
494 }
496 # actually 'do' a $method request on $url
497 # $data: input for JWS, optional
498 # $use_jwk: use JWK instead of KID in JWD (see sub jws)
499 sub do {
500 my ($self, $method, $url, $data, $use_jwk) = @_;
502 $self->fatal("Error: can't $method to empty URL") if !$url || $url eq '';
504 my $headers = HTTP::Headers->new();
505 $headers->header('Content-Type' => 'application/jose+json');
506 my $content = defined($data) ? $self->jws($use_jwk, $data, $url) : undef;
507 my $request;
508 if (defined($content)) {
509 $content = tojs($content);
510 $request = HTTP::Request->new($method, $url, $headers, $content);
511 } else {
512 $request = HTTP::Request->new($method, $url, $headers);
513 }
514 my $res = $self->{ua}->request($request);
515 if (!$res->is_success) {
516 # check for nonce rejection
517 if ($res->code == 400 && $res->decoded_content) {
518 my $parsed_content = fromjs($res->decoded_content);
519 if ($parsed_content->{type} eq 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badNonce') {
520 warn("bad Nonce, retrying\n");
521 $self->{nonce} = $res->header('Replay-Nonce');
522 return $self->do($method, $url, $data, $use_jwk);
523 }
524 }
525 $self->fatal("Error: $method to $url\n".$res->decoded_content, $res);
526 }
527 if (my $nonce = $res->header('Replay-Nonce')) {
528 $self->{nonce} = $nonce;
529 }
530 return $res;
531 }
533 1;