]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-widget-toolkit.git/blob - form/ComboGrid.js
window/Edit: allow showing TaskViewer instead of TaskProgress
[proxmox-widget-toolkit.git] / form / ComboGrid.js
1 /*
2 * ComboGrid component: a ComboBox where the dropdown menu (the
3 * "Picker") is a Grid with Rows and Columns expects a listConfig
4 * object with a columns property roughly based on the GridPicker from
5 * https://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?299909
6 *
7 */
9 Ext.define('Proxmox.form.ComboGrid', {
10 extend: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',
11 alias: ['widget.proxmoxComboGrid'],
13 // this value is used as default value after load()
14 preferredValue: undefined,
16 // hack: allow to select empty value
17 // seems extjs does not allow that when 'editable == false'
18 onKeyUp: function(e, t) {
19 var me = this;
20 var key = e.getKey();
22 if (!me.editable && me.allowBlank && !me.multiSelect &&
23 (key == e.BACKSPACE || key == e.DELETE)) {
24 me.setValue('');
25 }
27 me.callParent(arguments);
28 },
30 // needed to trigger onKeyUp etc.
31 enableKeyEvents: true,
33 editable: false,
35 // override ExtJS method
36 // if the field has multiSelect enabled, the store is not loaded, and
37 // the displayfield == valuefield, it saves the rawvalue as an array
38 // but the getRawValue method is only defined in the textfield class
39 // (which has not to deal with arrays) an returns the string in the
40 // field (not an array)
41 //
42 // so if we have multiselect enabled, return the rawValue (which
43 // should be an array) and else we do callParent so
44 // it should not impact any other use of the class
45 getRawValue: function() {
46 var me = this;
47 if (me.multiSelect) {
48 return me.rawValue;
49 } else {
50 return me.callParent();
51 }
52 },
54 // override ExtJS protected method
55 onBindStore: function(store, initial) {
56 var me = this,
57 picker = me.picker,
58 extraKeySpec,
59 valueCollectionConfig;
61 // We're being bound, not unbound...
62 if (store) {
63 // If store was created from a 2 dimensional array with generated field names 'field1' and 'field2'
64 if (store.autoCreated) {
65 me.queryMode = 'local';
66 me.valueField = me.displayField = 'field1';
67 if (!store.expanded) {
68 me.displayField = 'field2';
69 }
71 // displayTpl config will need regenerating with the autogenerated displayField name 'field1'
72 me.setDisplayTpl(null);
73 }
74 if (!Ext.isDefined(me.valueField)) {
75 me.valueField = me.displayField;
76 }
78 // Add a byValue index to the store so that we can efficiently look up records by the value field
79 // when setValue passes string value(s).
80 // The two indices (Ext.util.CollectionKeys) are configured unique: false, so that if duplicate keys
81 // are found, they are all returned by the get call.
82 // This is so that findByText and findByValue are able to return the *FIRST* matching value. By default,
83 // if unique is true, CollectionKey keeps the *last* matching value.
84 extraKeySpec = {
85 byValue: {
86 rootProperty: 'data',
87 unique: false
88 }
89 };
90 extraKeySpec.byValue.property = me.valueField;
91 store.setExtraKeys(extraKeySpec);
93 if (me.displayField === me.valueField) {
94 store.byText = store.byValue;
95 } else {
96 extraKeySpec.byText = {
97 rootProperty: 'data',
98 unique: false
99 };
100 extraKeySpec.byText.property = me.displayField;
101 store.setExtraKeys(extraKeySpec);
102 }
104 // We hold a collection of the values which have been selected, keyed by this field's valueField.
105 // This collection also functions as the selected items collection for the BoundList's selection model
106 valueCollectionConfig = {
107 rootProperty: 'data',
108 extraKeys: {
109 byInternalId: {
110 property: 'internalId'
111 },
112 byValue: {
113 property: me.valueField,
114 rootProperty: 'data'
115 }
116 },
117 // Whenever this collection is changed by anyone, whether by this field adding to it,
118 // or the BoundList operating, we must refresh our value.
119 listeners: {
120 beginupdate: me.onValueCollectionBeginUpdate,
121 endupdate: me.onValueCollectionEndUpdate,
122 scope: me
123 }
124 };
126 // This becomes our collection of selected records for the Field.
127 me.valueCollection = new Ext.util.Collection(valueCollectionConfig);
129 // We use the selected Collection as our value collection and the basis
130 // for rendering the tag list.
132 //proxmox override: since the picker is represented by a grid panel,
133 // we changed here the selection to RowModel
134 me.pickerSelectionModel = new Ext.selection.RowModel({
135 mode: me.multiSelect ? 'SIMPLE' : 'SINGLE',
136 // There are situations when a row is selected on mousedown but then the mouse is dragged to another row
137 // and released. In these situations, the event target for the click event won't be the row where the mouse
138 // was released but the boundview. The view will then determine that it should fire a container click, and
139 // the DataViewModel will then deselect all prior selections. Setting `deselectOnContainerClick` here will
140 // prevent the model from deselecting.
141 deselectOnContainerClick: false,
142 enableInitialSelection: false,
143 pruneRemoved: false,
144 selected: me.valueCollection,
145 store: store,
146 listeners: {
147 scope: me,
148 lastselectedchanged: me.updateBindSelection
149 }
150 });
152 if (!initial) {
153 me.resetToDefault();
154 }
156 if (picker) {
157 picker.setSelectionModel(me.pickerSelectionModel);
158 if (picker.getStore() !== store) {
159 picker.bindStore(store);
160 }
161 }
162 }
163 },
165 // copied from ComboBox
166 createPicker: function() {
167 var me = this;
168 var picker;
170 var pickerCfg = Ext.apply({
171 // proxmox overrides: display a grid for selection
172 xtype: 'gridpanel',
173 id: me.pickerId,
174 pickerField: me,
175 floating: true,
176 hidden: true,
177 store: me.store,
178 displayField: me.displayField,
179 preserveScrollOnRefresh: true,
180 pageSize: me.pageSize,
181 tpl: me.tpl,
182 selModel: me.pickerSelectionModel,
183 focusOnToFront: false
184 }, me.listConfig, me.defaultListConfig);
186 picker = me.picker || Ext.widget(pickerCfg);
188 if (picker.getStore() !== me.store) {
189 picker.bindStore(me.store);
190 }
192 if (me.pageSize) {
193 picker.pagingToolbar.on('beforechange', me.onPageChange, me);
194 }
196 // proxmox overrides: pass missing method in gridPanel to its view
197 picker.refresh = function() {
198 picker.getSelectionModel().select(me.valueCollection.getRange());
199 picker.getView().refresh();
200 };
201 picker.getNodeByRecord = function() {
202 picker.getView().getNodeByRecord(arguments);
203 };
205 // We limit the height of the picker to fit in the space above
206 // or below this field unless the picker has its own ideas about that.
207 if (!picker.initialConfig.maxHeight) {
208 picker.on({
209 beforeshow: me.onBeforePickerShow,
210 scope: me
211 });
212 }
213 picker.getSelectionModel().on({
214 beforeselect: me.onBeforeSelect,
215 beforedeselect: me.onBeforeDeselect,
216 focuschange: me.onFocusChange,
217 selectionChange: function (sm, selectedRecords) {
218 var me = this;
219 if (selectedRecords.length) {
220 me.setValue(selectedRecords);
221 me.fireEvent('select', me, selectedRecords);
222 }
223 },
224 scope: me
225 });
227 // hack for extjs6
228 // when the clicked item is the same as the previously selected,
229 // it does not select the item
230 // instead we hide the picker
231 if (!me.multiSelect) {
232 picker.on('itemclick', function (sm,record) {
233 if (picker.getSelection()[0] === record) {
234 picker.hide();
235 }
236 });
237 }
239 // when our store is not yet loaded, we increase
240 // the height of the gridpanel, so that we can see
241 // the loading mask
242 //
243 // we save the minheight to reset it after the load
244 picker.on('show', function() {
245 if (me.enableLoadMask) {
246 me.savedMinHeight = picker.getMinHeight();
247 picker.setMinHeight(100);
248 }
249 });
251 picker.getNavigationModel().navigateOnSpace = false;
253 return picker;
254 },
256 initComponent: function() {
257 var me = this;
259 Ext.apply(me, {
260 queryMode: 'local',
261 matchFieldWidth: false
262 });
264 Ext.applyIf(me, { value: ''}); // hack: avoid ExtJS validate() bug
266 Ext.applyIf(me.listConfig, { width: 400 });
268 me.callParent();
270 // Create the picker at an early stage, so it is available to store the previous selection
271 if (!me.picker) {
272 me.createPicker();
273 }
275 if (me.editable) {
276 // The trigger.picker causes first a focus event on the field then
277 // toggles the selection picker. Thus skip expanding in this case,
278 // else our focus listner expands and the picker.trigger then
279 // collapses it directly afterwards.
280 Ext.override(me.triggers.picker, {
281 onMouseDown : function (e) {
282 // copied "should we focus" check from Ext.form.trigger.Trigger
283 if (e.pointerType !== 'touch' && !this.field.owns(Ext.Element.getActiveElement())) {
284 me.skip_expand_on_focus = true;
285 }
286 this.callParent(arguments);
287 }
288 });
290 me.on("focus", function(me) {
291 if (!me.isExpanded && !me.skip_expand_on_focus) {
292 me.expand();
293 }
294 me.skip_expand_on_focus = false;
295 });
296 }
298 me.mon(me.store, 'beforeload', function() {
299 if (!me.isDisabled()) {
300 me.enableLoadMask = true;
301 }
302 });
304 // hack: autoSelect does not work
305 me.mon(me.store, 'load', function(store, r, success, o) {
306 if (success) {
307 me.clearInvalid();
309 if (me.enableLoadMask) {
310 delete me.enableLoadMask;
312 // if the picker exists,
313 // we reset its minheight to the saved var/0
314 // we have to update the layout, otherwise the height
315 // gets not recalculated
316 if (me.picker) {
317 me.picker.setMinHeight(me.savedMinHeight || 0);
318 delete me.savedMinHeight;
319 me.picker.updateLayout();
320 }
321 }
323 var def = me.getValue() || me.preferredValue;
324 if (def) {
325 me.setValue(def, true); // sync with grid
326 }
327 var found = false;
328 if (def) {
329 if (Ext.isArray(def)) {
330 Ext.Array.each(def, function(v) {
331 if (store.findRecord(me.valueField, v)) {
332 found = true;
333 return false; // break
334 }
335 });
336 } else {
337 found = store.findRecord(me.valueField, def);
338 }
339 }
341 if (!found) {
342 var rec = me.store.first();
343 if (me.autoSelect && rec && rec.data) {
344 def = rec.data[me.valueField];
345 me.setValue(def, true);
346 } else {
347 me.setValue(me.editable ? def : '', true);
348 }
349 }
350 }
351 });
352 }
353 });