]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_zfs-debian.git/blob - etc/init.d/zfs.fedora.in
Imported Upstream version 0.6.2+git20140204
[mirror_zfs-debian.git] / etc / init.d / zfs.fedora.in
1 #!/bin/bash
2 #
3 # zfs This script will mount/umount the zfs filesystems.
4 #
5 # chkconfig: 2345 01 99
6 # description: This script will mount/umount the zfs filesystems during
7 # system boot/shutdown. Configuration of which filesystems
8 # should be mounted is handled by the zfs 'mountpoint' and
9 # 'canmount' properties. See the zfs(8) man page for details.
10 # It is also responsible for all userspace zfs services.
11 #
13 # Provides: zfs
14 # Required-Start:
15 # Required-Stop:
16 # Should-Start:
17 # Should-Stop:
18 # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
19 # Default-Stop: 1
20 # Short-Description: Mount/umount the zfs filesystems
21 # Description: ZFS is an advanced filesystem designed to simplify managing
22 # and protecting your data. This service mounts the ZFS
23 # filesystems and starts all related zfs services.
26 export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
28 if [ -z "$init" ]; then
29 # Not interactive
30 grep -qE '(^|[^\\](\\\\)* )zfs=(off|no)( |$)' /proc/cmdline && exit 3
31 fi
33 # Source function library & LSB routines
34 . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
36 # script variables
38 ZFS="@sbindir@/zfs"
39 ZPOOL="@sbindir@/zpool"
40 ZPOOL_CACHE="@sysconfdir@/zfs/zpool.cache"
41 servicename=zfs
42 LOCKFILE=/var/lock/subsys/$servicename
44 # functions
45 zfs_installed() {
46 modinfo zfs > /dev/null 2>&1 || return 5
47 $ZPOOL > /dev/null 2>&1
48 [ $? == 127 ] && return 5
49 $ZFS > /dev/null 2>&1
50 [ $? == 127 ] && return 5
51 return 0
52 }
54 reregister_mounts() {
55 cat /etc/mtab | while read -r fs mntpnt fstype opts rest ; do
56 fs=`printf '%b\n' "$fs"`
57 mntpnt=`printf '%b\n' "$mntpnt"`
58 if [ "$fstype" == "zfs" ] ; then
59 if [ "$mntpnt" == "/" ] ; then
60 mount -f -o zfsutil -t zfs --move / /removethismountpointhoweverpossible
61 umount --fake /removethismountpointhoweverpossible
62 else
63 umount --fake "$mntpnt"
64 fi
65 elif echo "$fs" | grep -q "^/dev/zd" ; then
66 if [ "$mntpnt" == "/" ] ; then
67 mount -f -t "$fstype" --move / /removethismountpointhoweverpossible
68 umount --fake /removethismountpointhoweverpossible
69 else
70 umount --fake "$mntpnt"
71 fi
72 fi
73 done
74 cat /proc/mounts | while read -r fs mntpnt fstype opts rest ; do
75 fs=`printf '%b\n' "$fs"`
76 mntpnt=`printf '%b\n' "$mntpnt"`
77 if [ "$fstype" == "zfs" ] ; then
78 mount -f -t zfs -o zfsutil "$fs" "$mntpnt"
79 elif echo "$fs" | grep -q "^/dev/zd" ; then
80 mount -f -t "$fstype" -o "$opts" "$fs" "$mntpnt"
81 fi
82 done
83 }
85 # i need a bash guru to simplify this, since this is copy and paste, but donno how
86 # to correctly dereference variable names in bash, or how to do this right
88 declare -A MTAB
89 declare -A FSTAB
91 # first parameter is a regular expression that filters mtab
92 read_mtab() {
93 for fs in "${!MTAB[@]}" ; do unset MTAB["$fs"] ; done
94 while read -r fs mntpnt fstype opts blah ; do
95 fs=`printf '%b\n' "$fs"`
96 MTAB["$fs"]=$mntpnt
97 done < <(grep "$1" /etc/mtab)
98 }
100 in_mtab() {
101 [ "${MTAB[$1]}" != "" ]
102 return $?
103 }
105 # first parameter is a regular expression that filters fstab
106 read_fstab() {
107 for fs in "${!FSTAB[@]}" ; do unset FSTAB["$fs"] ; done
108 while read -r fs mntpnt fstype opts blah ; do
109 fs=`printf '%b\n' "$fs"`
110 FSTAB["$fs"]=$mntpnt
111 done < <(grep "$1" /etc/fstab)
112 }
114 in_fstab() {
115 [ "${FSTAB[$1]}" != "" ]
116 return $?
117 }
119 start()
120 {
121 if [ -f "$LOCKFILE" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
123 # check if ZFS is installed. If not, comply to FC standards and bail
124 zfs_installed || {
125 action $"Checking if ZFS is installed: not installed" /bin/false
126 return 5
127 }
129 # Requires selinux policy which has not been written.
130 if [ -r "/selinux/enforce" ] &&
131 [ "$(cat /selinux/enforce)" = "1" ]; then
132 action $"SELinux ZFS policy required: " /bin/false || return 6
133 fi
135 # Delay until all required block devices are present.
136 udevadm settle
138 # load kernel module infrastructure
139 if ! grep -q zfs /proc/modules ; then
140 action $"Loading kernel ZFS infrastructure: " modprobe zfs || return 5
141 fi
143 # fix mtab to include already-mounted fs filesystems, in case there are any
144 # we ONLY do this if mtab does not point to /proc/mounts
145 # which is the case in some systems (systemd may bring that soon)
146 if ! readlink /etc/mtab | grep -q /proc ; then
147 if grep -qE "(^/dev/zd| zfs )" /proc/mounts ; then
148 action $"Registering already-mounted ZFS filesystems and volumes: " reregister_mounts || return 150
149 fi
150 fi
152 if [ -f $ZPOOL_CACHE ] ; then
154 echo -n $"Importing ZFS pools not yet imported: "
155 $ZPOOL import -c $ZPOOL_CACHE -aN || true # stupid zpool will fail if all pools are already imported
156 RETVAL=$?
157 if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
158 failure "Importing ZFS pools not yet imported: "
159 return 151
160 fi
161 success "Importing ZFS pools not yet imported: "
163 fi
165 action $"Mounting ZFS filesystems not yet mounted: " $ZFS mount -a || return 152
167 action $"Exporting ZFS filesystems: " $ZFS share -a || return 153
169 read_mtab "^/dev/zd"
170 read_fstab "^/dev/zd"
172 template=$"Mounting volume %s registered in fstab: "
173 for volume in "${!FSTAB[@]}" ; do
174 if in_mtab "$volume" ; then continue ; fi
175 string=`printf "$template" "$volume"`
176 action "$string" mount "$volume"
177 done
179 touch "$LOCKFILE"
180 }
182 stop()
183 {
184 if [ ! -f "$LOCKFILE" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
186 # check if ZFS is installed. If not, comply to FC standards and bail
187 zfs_installed || {
188 action $"Checking if ZFS is installed: not installed" /bin/false
189 return 5
190 }
192 # the poweroff of the system takes care of this
193 # but it never unmounts the root filesystem itself
194 # shit
196 action $"Syncing ZFS filesystems: " sync
197 # about the only thing we can do, and then we
198 # hope that the umount process will succeed
199 # unfortunately the umount process does not dismount
200 # the root file system, there ought to be some way
201 # we can tell zfs to just flush anything in memory
202 # when a request to remount,ro comes in
204 #echo -n $"Unmounting ZFS filesystems: "
205 #$ZFS umount -a
206 #RETVAL=$?
207 #if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
208 # failure
210 # return 8
211 #fi
212 #success
214 rm -f "$LOCKFILE"
215 }
217 # See how we are called
218 case "$1" in
219 start)
220 start
221 RETVAL=$?
222 ;;
223 stop)
224 stop
225 RETVAL=$?
226 ;;
227 status)
228 lsmod | grep -q zfs || RETVAL=3
229 $ZPOOL status && echo && $ZFS list || {
230 [ -f "$LOCKFILE" ] && RETVAL=2 || RETVAL=4
231 }
232 ;;
233 restart)
234 stop
235 start
236 ;;
237 condrestart)
238 if [ -f "$LOCKFILE" ] ; then
239 stop
240 start
241 fi
242 ;;
243 *)
244 echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart}"
245 RETVAL=3
246 ;;
247 esac
249 exit $RETVAL