]> git.proxmox.com Git - pve-manager.git/blob - www/manager6/qemu/MemoryEdit.js
ui: eslint: enforce "no-extra-parens" rule
[pve-manager.git] / www / manager6 / qemu / MemoryEdit.js
1 Ext.define('PVE.qemu.MemoryInputPanel', {
2 extend: 'Proxmox.panel.InputPanel',
3 alias: 'widget.pveQemuMemoryPanel',
4 onlineHelp: 'qm_memory',
6 insideWizard: false,
8 onGetValues: function(values) {
9 var me = this;
11 var res = {};
13 res.memory = values.memory;
14 res.balloon = values.balloon;
16 if (!values.ballooning) {
17 res.balloon = 0;
18 res['delete'] = 'shares';
19 } else if (values.memory === values.balloon) {
20 delete res.balloon;
21 res['delete'] = 'balloon,shares';
22 } else if (Ext.isDefined(values.shares) && values.shares !== "") {
23 res.shares = values.shares;
24 } else {
25 res['delete'] = "shares";
26 }
28 return res;
29 },
31 initComponent: function() {
32 var me = this;
33 var labelWidth = 160;
35 me.items= [
36 {
37 xtype: 'pveMemoryField',
38 labelWidth: labelWidth,
39 fieldLabel: gettext('Memory') + ' (MiB)',
40 name: 'memory',
41 value: me.insideWizard ? '2048' : '512',
42 minValue: 1,
43 step: 32,
44 hotplug: me.hotplug,
45 listeners: {
46 change: function(f, value, old) {
47 var bf = me.down('field[name=balloon]');
48 var balloon = bf.getValue();
49 bf.setMaxValue(value);
50 if (balloon === old) {
51 bf.setValue(value);
52 }
53 bf.validate();
54 },
55 },
56 },
57 ];
59 me.advancedItems= [
60 {
61 xtype: 'pveMemoryField',
62 name: 'balloon',
63 minValue: 1,
64 maxValue: me.insideWizard ? 2048 : 512,
65 value: me.insideWizard ? '2048' : '512',
66 step: 32,
67 fieldLabel: gettext('Minimum memory') + ' (MiB)',
68 hotplug: me.hotplug,
69 labelWidth: labelWidth,
70 allowBlank: false,
71 listeners: {
72 change: function(f, value) {
73 var memory = me.down('field[name=memory]').getValue();
74 var shares = me.down('field[name=shares]');
75 shares.setDisabled(value === memory);
76 },
77 },
78 },
79 {
80 xtype: 'proxmoxintegerfield',
81 name: 'shares',
82 disabled: true,
83 minValue: 0,
84 maxValue: 50000,
85 value: '',
86 step: 10,
87 fieldLabel: gettext('Shares'),
88 labelWidth: labelWidth,
89 allowBlank: true,
90 emptyText: Proxmox.Utils.defaultText + ' (1000)',
91 submitEmptyText: false,
92 },
93 {
94 xtype: 'proxmoxcheckbox',
95 labelWidth: labelWidth,
96 value: '1',
97 name: 'ballooning',
98 fieldLabel: gettext('Ballooning Device'),
99 listeners: {
100 change: function(f, value) {
101 var bf = me.down('field[name=balloon]');
102 var shares = me.down('field[name=shares]');
103 var memory = me.down('field[name=memory]');
104 bf.setDisabled(!value);
105 shares.setDisabled(!value || bf.getValue() === memory.getValue());
106 },
107 },
108 },
109 ];
111 if (me.insideWizard) {
112 me.column1 = me.items;
113 me.items = undefined;
114 me.advancedColumn1 = me.advancedItems;
115 me.advancedItems = undefined;
116 }
117 me.callParent();
118 },
120 });
122 Ext.define('PVE.qemu.MemoryEdit', {
123 extend: 'Proxmox.window.Edit',
125 initComponent: function() {
126 var me = this;
128 var memoryhotplug;
129 if (me.hotplug) {
130 Ext.each(me.hotplug.split(','), function(el) {
131 if (el === 'memory') {
132 memoryhotplug = 1;
133 }
134 });
135 }
137 var ipanel = Ext.create('PVE.qemu.MemoryInputPanel', {
138 hotplug: memoryhotplug,
139 });
141 Ext.apply(me, {
142 subject: gettext('Memory'),
143 items: [ipanel],
144 // uncomment the following to use the async configiguration API
145 // backgroundDelay: 5,
146 width: 400,
147 });
149 me.callParent();
151 me.load({
152 success: function(response, options) {
153 var data = response.result.data;
155 var values = {
156 ballooning: data.balloon === 0 ? '0' : '1',
157 shares: data.shares,
158 memory: data.memory || '512',
159 balloon: data.balloon > 0 ? data.balloon : data.memory || '512',
160 };
162 ipanel.setValues(values);
163 },
164 });
165 },
166 });